A decade of research and discovery unified together to present the most complete source book of Mesopotamian, Sumerian, Babylonian and Anunnaki knowledge unearthed by humanity. (Tablets of Destiny), Pazuzu happened to become a mythological demon propagator of pests to the height of great creatures of the night like Lilith, a demoniac goddess who usurped new born babies to their mothers to devour them. 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. The Anunnaki gods gathered together to find one god who could defeat the gods rising against them. Chapter 3.2 This portion has the ending of negotiations. Chapter 10.4 Upon the Anunnaki returning to Earth they see utter devastation. These tablets were approximately 60 units, and were a kind of microchips that contained a source of vital information for the Anunnaki. The Earth commander admonishes his brother that created them in the first place against his wishes. The kings son that created mankind now visits the new land often and watches and seduces the woman (biblical story of David and bathsheba). They proceeded to build the tower of Babel. He has five sons by his wife and other Anunnaki women. Chapter 13.4 The war progress and the son of the kings son who created earthlings is winning. Seven stepped forward. The remaining atomic bombs on the defeated kings spacecraft were taken out of the spacecraft and hidden in a cave. This essay examines the relationship between the Tablet of Destinies, the possession and transmission of power, and the conferral of legitimacy in the context of Enma eli. Chapter 7.3 Since the Mars relay was to be abandoned, a new spaceship port was to be created on Earth for direct transport of the gold to Nibiru. There are black spots on the Sun. -- a map to chart spiritual potential and redefine the future of what it means to be Human. Eventually, the Anunnaki were short of manpower, so they employed genetic engineering to fashion primitive workers, aka Homo sapiens. This essay examines the characterization of Apsu, as well as the episode in which he appears, within the larger framework of Enuma elish. Twenty five shars would place his execution at approximately 90,000 years after the Anunnaki came to Earth. Pazuzu was sentenced to death and executed by Ninurta in a ceremony where they dressed Pazuzu as a bird because of his Igigi origin. They are not to be used again to make a way through the asteroid belt. The Original Mardukite Systemology Professional PublicationTake your first steps on The Pathway to Self-Honesty with the book that started it all!In this newly revised "Revelations" Academy Edition of The Tablets of Destiny -- rediscover the original system of perfecting the Human Condition on a Pathway that leads to Infinity. In Nippur, the Me tablets or destiny tablets were hidden in Dirga. It devastated their planet. The Issue of Time as a Factor Determining the Relationship of Man to God, in: Time and History in the Ancient Near East. In "Tablets of Destiny: Using Ancient Wisdom to Unlock Human Potential, " Joshua Free maps the highest route to esoteric knowledge--expertly bridging materials from the "Mardukite Research Library" with the wisdom and latest clarity revealed by the advanced "NexGen Systemology" New Thought division of the "Mardukite Research Organization." Chapter 5.4 The commander of mars is show the workings on Earth. In addition, the Anunnaki are also responsible for the creation of Man through DNA Engineering. While the new king is healing the belly of the defeated king swells from the semen of the kings penis. None of it was within Adam and Eves control. She makes a scheme and directs it the grandfather (kings son) of her dead groom. (ed. He is blinded and his testicles squashed. The Earth is warming. Scroll to continue reading. The savants on Nibiru tell of the planets moving during the next passing of the sun by NIbiru. Water would not come from its sources where the earthlings lived. Unbeknownst to the leaders of Eden, the two hundred Igigi from Mars had decided to abduct earthling women to be their wives. Chapter 11.3 In preparation for the wedding, it is the custom for a female relative to dress the bride. He calls for grains and ewes to be brought to Earth so they may herd the sheep and harvest grain. Chapter 9.1 At this time the Anunnaki and earthling humans intermarry. But Enlil was betrayed. He is now preoccupied with attaining immortality. Enlil, advised by his brotherEnki, took Pazuzu as a servant in Dirga, the most sacred of the sanctuary of Nippur, to appease the Igigi. If there is gold, the defeated king will have another wrestling match with the new king for the throne. 48.Obverse of a tablet containing the story of the creation and the deluge. Anunnaki tablets of destiny pdf Editor's Note00 Tablets of Destiny, Arts of Civilization and Control of the Human Condition 0 Sifting through the sands of time to recover wisdom from clay: the evolution of our understanding1 Responsibility for cosmic power and transfer of its divine abilities2 Deciphering the foundations of existence from the tablets of destiny3 Beate Pongratz-Leisten and Karen Sonik. The kingdom that RA desired so badly is now a wasteland. They express love for one another and discuss their son on Nibiru wanting to come to Earth (this is brother and sister). He feels they are imprisoned on planet Earth and once were masters, now they are as slaves. An Anunnaki considered as a demon of a clan different from the rest. Noah is to build a sturdy boat to save his family in the coming flood. Adam and Eve are then left to roam Eden as they please. The new kings son wants to kill him. Chapter 4.2 This portion of the tablet has the new king on Nibiru coming to Earth to see for himself where the gold is underground. Afterward they inquire about the fate of mankind. But the Earth commander is playing politics and has gotten the upper hand. Ulanowski, K. (2013). The grief stricken wife vowed revenge and took semen from her dead husband and impregnated herself. 59-64. Texts about ANE law collections, treaties, theological histories, prophecies, ritual texts, oracles, prayers, hymns, laments, edicts, and instructions are compared to corresponding literature in the Pentateuch, Prophets, and Writings of the Hebrew Bible. Baalbek means Lord of the Beqaa Valley and its ruins are located 65 km (42 mi) northeast of Beirut. Thus he is friendly to the humans. The three ways of heaven. According to certain conspiracy theorists, the Sumerian language appears to be the language taught to the humans by the Annunaki, since it's assumed to be the first language ever written. Although some physical characteristics could be reptilian. That he went behind his back and interfered with his own creation. After he impregnates his sister he falls asleep. Only upon swearing to stay away from her vagina does she give him relief from her curse. He wants this to be a secret. Within the pages of The Tablets of Destiny is a revelation of 6,000 year old secrets preserved on cuneiform tablets that provide a Seeker with the tools for using ancient wisdom to unlock human potential. Academia.edu no longer supports Internet Explorer. The kings son very deceitfully passed them off, not as his offspring, as a new more intelligent generation of Adam and Eves. The figure of Apsu, father of the great gods, makes but a fleeting appearance in the late second millennium BCE Babylonian epic Enuma elish. At night the Earth commanders forces destroyed it and scattered the people. Enlil was aware of the Igigis discomfort for his long stays in space, and he suspected a revolt on his part. The kings son she seduced and stole MEs from now holds MEs from her she needs to rule her land with. Nibiru is supposed to circle the sun every 3,600 earth years. The would be bride rushes to the place where her grooms body lay. Vegetation did not grow. "Here is the first ever public demonstration of secret knowledge and wisdom drawn from legendary cuneiform relic of Mesopotamia, far surpassing any previous academic interpretation of ancient artifacts available. Berlin and Boston: De Gruyter, 2015, The God Ninurta - CHAPTER TWO: Ninurta in the Royal Rituals and Ideology, PUBLICATIONS OF THE FOUNDATION FOR FINNISH ASSYRIOLOGICAL RESEARCH NO. In this portion of the tablet it states they took parts from the behind of one animal and combined it with the front of another. It is now the ninety second shar, 331,200 years, the Anunnaki have been on Earth. Cain is exiled. Table of Contents Sumerian inscription from a temple at Nippur Anunnaki, also called Anunna, Anunnaki also spelled Anunaki, Annunaki, or Anunnaku, class of gods within the ancient Mesopotamian pantheon. Later Cain is unhappy that one of the kings sons did not praise him for his effort. Kingship in Ancient Mesopotamia: The Case of Enma Eli, in The Body of the King: The Staging of the Body of the Institutional Leader From Antiquity to Middle Ages in East and West. In the Babylonian narrative Enma eli (the so-called Babylonian Epic of Creation), the Tablet of Destinies is something of a peripheral device, unsurprising given that the text draws on numerous themes and motifs from other mythological traditions to justify the elevation of the Babylonian god Marduk to the kingship of the pantheon. He tries but does not attain it and dies. He runs from the city and ends up by a waterfall. Chapter 12.2 This is a most interesting portion. ), There are no reviews yet. An Anunnaki team member leaves Earth to take the first basketfuls of gold to Nibiru. The Sumerians appear on the archaeological record beginning around 4,500 BCE. The only thing left that is not buried of their cities is the landing pad for the spacecraft. Pazuzu or ZU means He who knows and was also known as Anzu He who knows the heavens.. Anunnaki found out about these plans, killed Apsu and fettered Mummu. The worshiping of the Anunnaki is created. Mentioned are the animals in the tall trees that use their front legs as hands. 2020 138 Pages 1.47 MB. He is in charge of something called MEs. The gold is getting to Nibiru and made into a fine dust which is placed in the atmosphere. The snow is melting. He thought his father would leave his lands to the son that lived by him. These ancient astronauts touched down in one of Earths seas, and established Eridu, Home in the Faraway.. Now he and the sister he loves call their son from Nibiru to Earth. Sorry, preview is currently unavailable. He asks his son that married a earthling woman that resides in the new land to ask for the earthling womans husband to be transferred there. Plenty of food, water, fish and animals. In the Sumerian texts there is a story called the Myth of Zu. She tempted men to her bed and killed them. How do the Anunnaki get the earthlings to obey and serve them. He was not found until he was dead. Enki and Enlil flying around surveying the damage from the weapons of terror. Manchester eScholar Services (The University of Manchester) A very curious thing is mentioned here. They fly back to Eden and he flies her around telling her of his plans. It is known that Baal in Our genetic memory awakens in us a love for gold. Anunnaki means, "those who came from heaven". They build the pyramids as mountains for their space port. The time of the flood was the one hundred and twenty shars (432,000 years). The advisor to the brides sister shoots the two emissaries with a ray but it does not affect them. The kings son is ecstatic about the births and says he has created civilized man. The Earths Anunnaki leaders come up with a plan to refine the gold on Earth and only take refined gold to Nibiru. He took it upon himself and gathered some igigi to help him. Myth and Mythologies: Methodological Approaches to Intercultural Influences, Critical Approaches to Ancient Near Eastern Art, Journal for The Study of The Pseudepigrapha. The history of the creation of the Sumerians began more than 4.5 billion years ago, when the original Earth (Tiamat) collided . The most sought-after ultimate prize in prehistory, they have been nicked, stolen, chipped, dropped, snitched and snatched more often than you could imagine. Then peace was made and a kingship established for the entire planet (One World Government). The Anunnaki, wishing to give an expression of their admiration for Marduk's heroism, decided to build him a shrine or temple. The room has no other entry and was never intended to hold a solid object. He managed to plant seeds of obedience and unconsciously spread the principle of 'divide and conquer' among humanity." His father, the king, had promised him his daughter in marriage but instead banished her from marriage when the king found out about her and his other son sleeping together. He was the first born son of Anu, the king of the planet Nibiru. They ask her if she will take the kings son that raped her as husband. The Tablet of Destinies and the Transmission of Power in Enma eli Authors: Karen Sonik Auburn University Content uploaded by Karen Sonik Author content Content may be subject to copyright.. He is angry that the earthling were becoming as them and they were becoming as earthlings. In other words they had been experimenting with DNA. The brothers son, back from exile became very enraged. The father is alarmed and fears the kings other sons kingship lineage will get the advantage. He believes he can not be defeated while he has the tablets of destinies, but he is defeated and sentenced to death. Hays offers a brief introduction to comparative studies, then lays out examples from various literary genres that shed light on particular biblical texts. The fourteen tablets of Lord Enki (One of the Ancient Annunaki gods) are embellished with details of the history of the Anunnaki. In those days grains and sheep were not brought to earth. L. Feliu and others, Eisenbrauns, Winona Lake, pp. And next to them came Ninhursag, Enlils stepsister, his mistress, and Ninurtas mother. They gave a party and when his brother fell asleep from drink, they put him in a coffin and threw him into the sea. The Dyatlov Pass Incident: What Killed Nine Young Hikers at Dead Mountain? They briefly stop on Mars for water. During the cold periods the planets inner heat keeps Nibiru warm. He is upset and summons the other kings son that was part of the creation to explain. Chapter 6.1 There is much discussion about creating a primitive worker slave race of beings. The new king returns to Nibiru and tells of all that happened and of the plans to harvest the gold on Earth. Mars has lost its atmosphere and the water is dried up. Rebuilding and preparations for new landing pads are being done. It has been suggested that one of the reasons for this affinity was the reliance of both kings on prophetic legitimation to buttress their contested claims to kingship. This Ancient Chinese earthquake detector predates modern devices by nearly two millennia, Vilcabamba: The lost megalithic city of the Inca. Piscataway: Gorgias Press, 2009, Name Word Play and Marduks Fifty Names in Enuma Eli, Hidden Riches: A Sourcebook for the Comparative Study of the Hebrew Bible and Ancient Near East, Myth, Ritual, and Interpretation: The Commentary on Enma eli I-VII and a Commentary on Elamite Month Names, Hebrew Bible and Ancient Israel 4/3 (2015), 293-343. The Hollow Worlds And The Annunaki.pdf (PDFy mirror) Publication date 2014-01-01 Topics mirror, pdf.yt Collection pdfymirrors; additional_collections Language English This public document was automatically mirrored from PDFy. The earth commander makes each Anunnaki swear an oath. Gender Matters in Enma eli. In In the Wake of Tikva Frymer-Kensky, edited by Richard H. Beal, Steven W. Holloway, and JoAnn Scurlock, 85101. , it is now a wasteland the son that was part of the spacecraft and hidden in a.... They had been experimenting with DNA is ecstatic about the births and says he has the ending of.. Intended to hold a solid object does not attain it and scattered people... Billion years ago, when the original Earth ( this is brother and ). Thought his father would leave his lands to the leaders of Eden, the Anunnaki and earthling humans intermarry as. Thing left that is not buried of their cities is the landing pad for the of... 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