Facilitating ISR integration by giving the commander and G-3 (S-3) the initial intelligence synchronization plan and helping the G-3 (S-3) develop the initial ISR plan. Recommending remedies and developing affirmative action and EO plans and policies to reduce or prevent discrimination and sexual harassment. Maneuver and mobility support operations, including-. Making solatium (compensation for suffering) and other claims payments (with the SJA). (See. Coordinating, planning, and directing information network capabilities and services from the power projection sustaining base to the forward-most fighting platforms. Organization for combat, resource allocations, and command and support relationships. Terminal, Seaport, Highway, and Rail Operations, Be a college graduate with at least a four-year degree, Basic Officer Leadership Course (Or Additional Special Courses or qualifications), Nationally Recognized Certifications Available, Ammunition Stock Control and Accounting Specialist, Army Judge Advocate General's (JAG) Corps Attorney, Chemical, Biological, Radiological, and Nuclear (CBRN) Specialist, Criminal Investigations (CID) Special Agent, Health Services Plans, Operations, Intelligence Security and Training, Visual Information Equipment Operator-Maintainer. The ACOS, G-2 (S-2) exercises coordinating staff responsibility over the staff weather officer. Providing physical security guidance for commanders. Providing medical treatment support on an area basis. Coordinating with the G-7 to integrate EW into IO. When staff members return to the sending headquarters, they make a brief oral or written report to their staff principal, the chief of staff (COS), or the commander. Accurately interpreting the commander's desired effects on enemy targets, formations, and capabilities in automated fire support INFOSYS. Helping the commander develop the unit METL and supporting individual tasks for each mission essential task. The battalion's transportation section. required; performs duties as Battle NCO in the Brigade TOC during all exercises and deployments; performs Military Police Duty Officer. The AMDCOORD is responsible for coordinating ARFOR air and missile defense (AMD) activities and plans with the area air defense commander (AADC), joint force air component commander (JFACC), and airspace control authority (ACA). However, specific comptroller functions may occur at corps and division level. All staff members examine the action from the perspective of their individual fields of interest and that of the commander to determine the optimal COA. PRINCIPAL WORKING RELATIONSHIPS: In addition to the Leisure World of Maryland Corporation (LWMC) staff and contract personnel, the Special Police Officer's principal working relationships are . Identifying requirements and restrictions for using local civilians, EPWs, and civilian internees and detainees in CSS operations. When the command is subordinate to a joint headquarters, the G-3 (S-3) is responsible for coordinating with the J-3 (operations) and the J-5 (plans and policy). Thanks for all the useful information about being a SPO, Israel. Coordinating for all logistic requirements relative to EPW and civilian internees, US military prisoners, and dislocated civilians (with the G-4). Coordinating the use of medical laboratory services by veterinary personnel. Coordinating staff officers frequently designate members of their sections as action officers. Within each maneuver brigade there is one Brigade Support Battalion (formerly called a Forward Support Battalion) that provides logistics to the brigade. Having a solid TACSOP will not only allow you to use the drill weekend effectively, but your CO will be able to meet all the annual requirement and the Company METL. Manage all logistical requests within the Brigade. Additionally, the G-2 (S-2) supports security programs. Coordinating unit security operations, to include fighting positions and local security. What should you know about the Army Support Operations Officer? Theater Airlift Liaison Officer. Coordinating the EA target list with organic military intelligence units and with adjacent and higher commands, including joint and multinational commands when appropriate. They also recommend adjustments when circumstances require. Stationing subordinate finance units, equipped with their supporting systems, to support battlefield procurement and pay operations. Operating and maintaining the airlift advance notification or coordination net. Planning and coordinating using the family of scatterable mines (with the FSCOORD). Participating in COA and decision support template development (with the G-2 [S-2] and fire support coordinator [FSCOORD]). Integrating ISR into the concept of operations. Staff members manage administrative activities within their own staff sections. I ask everyone to bring supply concerns, their LOGSTAT, equipment status, Class IX issues, and convoy matrix. Thanks for sharing your insights about the Support Operations Officer, Israel. Establishing priorities for dental care and treatment. Please leave a comment below to share your experience and any tips for success you might have. The COS helps the commander prepare subordinate units for future employment. Planning and supervising Army aviation operations. No officer exercises coordinating staff responsibility over the CSM. G-5 (S-5) responsibilities include-, D-73. The transportation officer is responsible for coordinating transportation assets and operations. Providing information on the status of engineer assets on hand. Managing or conducting all EO education and training programs within the command. Surgeon. Conducting formal, on-site manpower and equipment surveys. Preparing and organizing schedules, activities, and calendars. D-9. Advising the commander on collection capabilities and limitations. Meeting and hosting the general officer's visitors at the headquarters or the general officer's quarters. Note. Ensuring the staff integrates and coordinates its activities internally and with higher, subordinate, supporting, supported, and adjacent commands. Staff sections prepare and maintain running estimates to help commanders make decisions. ARMY POSITION DESCRIPTION POSITION CLASSIFICATION STANDARDS USED IN CLASSIFYING/GRADING POSITION: Citation 1: OPM PCS MISC ADMIN & PROGRAM SERIES, GS-301, JAN 79 Citation 2: OPM ADMIN. Preparing, maintaining, and updating IM estimates, plans, and orders (per the CIMP). Once deployed, units below division level may be authorized an S-5. Veterinary food inspection, animal care, and veterinary preventive medicine activities of the command (with the veterinary officer). Monitoring the deployability of soldiers. Reporting incidents through channels to regional computer emergency response team and Army Computer Emergency Response team. Internment and resettlement of EPWs and civilian internees, dislocated civilians, and US military prisoners, including their-. Supervise personnel within the Support Operations Office. Providing an estimate of the adequacy of the ADA ammunition CSR. Planning the reorganization of engineers to fight as infantry, when the commander deems their emergency employment necessary. D-29. Staffs continually identify current and future problems or issues that affect mission accomplishment. Consider all factors affecting the situation. PSYOP officer responsibilities include-. Staff activities focus on assisting the commander in mission accomplishment. Judgment and experience are major factors in recognizing problems. Advising the commander on fire protection and prevention issues, planning, and coordination (with the G-3 [S-3] and G-4 [S-4]). The MLT commander, a Navy or Marine officer, operates at division level and below. Coordinating with the PAO and G-5 to ensure disseminated messages are consistent. Organizing and equipping units, to include estimating the numbers and types of units to organize and the priority for phasing in or replacing personnel and equipment. This category only includes cookies that ensures basic functionalities and security features of the website. Prepares and/or reviews ammunition storage waivers. The issue is that nobody, including my Assignment Officer at HRC seems to have a good grasp on what the specific duties are in relation to this position. Monitoring the maintenance, personnel, and equipment status, and advising the commander and responsible coordinating staff officer. Military Deception Officer. D-18. D-44. D-2. D-87. Advising the commander and staff concerning, and supervising the management and administration of, the civilian employee personnel management program within the command. The PM augments the staff with a small planning cell that typically works within the G-3. Coordination may include arranging for administrative and logistic support for subordinate EOD units. Supporting unit linguist requirements through identifying all foreign-language-skilled soldiers in the organization, regardless of MOS. Assignment:To a Theater Sustainment Command or Expeditionary Sustainment Command, normally attached to a Transportation Motor Transport Battalion or a Combat Sustainment Support Battalion. D-33. The team's officer in charge fulfills the SOO's responsibilities. Coordinating Staff Responsibility for Special Staff Officers, D-90. Coordinating transportation assets for other Services. Advising the commander so that all collection, production, and dissemination adhere to special security, legal, and regulatory restrictions. We close it out (read file it away) once the LOGPAC has returned. I agree with you, Justin. Staff members help their commander minimize unnecessary risk by assessing hazards within their fields of interest and recommending controls to reduce or eliminate unnecessary risk. Integrating nonlethal fires, including offensive IO, into the concept of fires and concept of operations (from input by the G-7 [S-7] at targeting meetings). Maintaining communications with subordinate unit NCOs and other enlisted soldiers, through the NCO support channel. D-15. Thanks! The TALO is responsible for advising the commander on the best use of airlift resources and coordinating their use. Providing technical advice and assistance in reorienting enemy defectors, EPWs, civilian internees, and detainees. Coordinating HN support or local civilian support with the G-5 (S-5). Assisting the ground commander in planning and coordinating preplanned, immediate, and emergency theater and strategic airlift support of ground operations. Headquarters commandant responsibilities include-. Retasking and refocusing collection assets during execution (considering recommendations from the rest of the staff). Inspectors normally prepare a written report for their commander and furnish a copy to the inspected unit. These include gathering information for the commander, observing the execution of orders, and providing advice and assistance in their fields of interest. Army Transportation Officer, 07/2011 - Current Amerigas Propane, Inc. - Mount Pleasant, SC I Command, plan, procure, direct, control, coordinate, or manage transportation organizations and related equipment, as well as organizations engaged in transportation-related services. Before the inspection, inspectors inform the subordinate commander of the inspection's purpose. Coordinating for Air Force aeromedical evacuation aircraft. Coordinating with the resource manager (RM) and finance officer on the financial aspects of contracting. Advising and assisting the commander and staff on all equal opportunity (EO) matters, including sexual harassment, discrimination, and affirmative action. Coordinating actions and taskings of special staff officers across the entire staff. Coordinating with the G-2 (S-2) to ensure that surveillance and intelligence units locate enemy air support assets. Working closely with the G-5 and other agencies to integrate and unify efforts to communicate the Army's perspective and to support the mission's tactical and operational objectives. Supporting CIMP implementation at the tactical and main CPs (based on G-3 [S-3] and G-6 [G-6] direction and guidance). They candidly and objectively present alternatives, clearly explaining advantages and disadvantages of each. Just my two cents. Synchronizing ISR with the overall operation throughout the operations process (with the rest of the staff). EWO responsibilities include-, D-122. Helping the G-2 (S-2) monitor the weather support mission, identify responsibilities, and resolve weather support deficiencies. Operations involving EPWs and civilian internees (with the PM). This appendix describes the responsibilities and duties commonly performed by staff officers assigned to the headquarters of Army organizations in the field, from battalion through corps.. Recommending MSRs and logistic areas, based on technical information, to the G-4 (S-4). The MDO is a functional area 30 officer responsible for coordinating MD assets and operations. In the paragraphs below, I will provide some basic information about the Support Operations Officer duties and responsibilities. The assistant or deputy ENCOORD is a permanent staff officer, representing the ENCOORD. Preparing reports on command veterinary activities. Coordinating with the G-5 (S-5) for HN support. One is normally task-organized to maneuver brigades and battalions. The ACOS, G-4 (S-4) is the principal staff officer for logistic operations and plans (general), supply, maintenance, transportation, and services. Force development and modernization includes-. Examples include-. We'll assume you're ok with this, but you can opt-out if you wish. Take the next step to learn more about careers in the Army. Corps and divisions are authorized a finance officer. Providing coordination between the corps and the special operations command and control element, which may co-locate with the main CP. o rewrote and published the 39th IBCT transportation SOP which was adopted at state level and all MACOMs o decreased OPORD deficiencies by 40% and revised the OPORD production process; cleared a backlog of 20 past due OPORDs o ensured efficient and economic use of supplies and materials; conserved shop resources In brigades and battalions, the S-4 both coordinates activities and executes requirements for the commander and unit. Staffs prepare and issue plans and orders to execute their commanders' decisions, coordinating all necessary details. Administering and chairing unit selection and soldier boards for enlisted soldiers. Coordinating with the FSCOORD and G-2 (analysis and control element) to identify opportunities for conducting effective EA. D-36. Recommending priorities for accomplishing IO tasks identified during planning. Monitoring operations and maintaining current COP-related information. Coordinating and monitoring readiness processing, movement support, and positioning of replacement personnel. Supervising the command's historical activities. Integrating and managing the ISR effort through an integrated staff process and procedure. Staff sections exercise oversight by performing the following tasks that affect their individual fields of interest: Supervising Staff Sections and Staff Personnel, D-30. Participating in the nuclear target nomination process (corps only). A G-3 (S-3) is authorized at every echelon from battalion through corps. It then discusses specific responsibilities of chiefs of staff and of coordinating, special, and personal staff officers. The historian is responsible for coordinating the documentation of the command's historical activities. The line units are your customers! Movement scheduling and regulation of MSRs. Performing the following language-related functions: Identifying linguist requirements pertaining to intelligence support. Advising the commander on using all engineer assets. Developing and maintaining effective financial and management controls, procedures, and systems for the best use of resources. Developing the EA mission tasking based on the C2 target list, and issuing the EA target list. This SPO coordinates between the divisions units and support units. Receiving units, detachments, or teams, to include orienting, training, and reorganizing them. Commanders direct individual staff members or teams to conduct staff inspections. Coordinating veterinary activities with the surgeon and other staff. Within their fields of interest, staff members make recommendations regarding-, D-6. Selected Army National Guard and active component brigades are authorized an S-7. The headquarters commandant is responsible for soldiers assigned to the headquarters. The number of special staff officers and their responsibilities vary with authorizations, the desires of the commander, and the size of the command. Coordinating staff officers establish procedures for coordinating and integrating special staff activities within their individual fields of interest. D-43. Assisting all staff sections with tactics, techniques, and procedures (TTP) for performing IM functions within and between staff sections. The G-3 (S-3) has coordinating staff responsibility for the following staff officers: Assistant Chief of Staff, G-4 (S-4), Logistics. Plans. Personal staff officers work under the immediate control of, and have direct access to, the commander. No officer exercises coordinating staff responsibility over the aide-de-camp. Identifying requirements that can be met through contracting. Staff members disseminate information using, among other media, briefings, electronic mail, staff papers, reports, and summaries. The COS monitors their combat readiness status and directs actions to posture subordinate units. SWO responsibilities include-. Here is what I mean when the LOGSTAT arrives, the OP NCO initiates the check list and sends it to the MM section. Logistic operations and plans (general) includes-, D-67. D-11. The numbers might vary slightly based upon the structure of the brigade (i.e., light infantry brigade vs. maneuver brigade). Recommending C4OPS network priorities for battle command. The G-4 (S-4) has the following staff planning and supervisory responsibilities: D-70. Coordinating with higher headquarters for OPSEC activities support. Coordinating, planning, and directing communications security (COMSEC) measures, including the operation of the information assurance systems security office (IASSO). Providing indications and warnings support to operations. The assistant or deputy AMDCOORD is a permanent position on the staff, representing the AMDCOORD. They provide answers to the commander's critical information requirements (CCIR) to the commander and other staff members as quickly as possible. This includes dislocated civilian operations, curfews, and movement restrictions. OPSEC officer responsibilities include-, D-124. The personal staff officers discussed here are the-, D-128. Managing information required for conducting MD operations. Commanders assign a single staff officer responsibility for preparing and publishing plans and orders. The ACOS, G-3 (S-3) is the principal staff officer for all matters concerning training, operations and plans, and force development and modernization. Servicemember's Group Life Insurance (SGLI). Targeting. This includes your Brigade Support Battalion Commander and the Brigade Commander. Developing the ammunition required supply rate (RSR) (with the G-2 and G-4). Identify and update information requirements (IRs). An IG is authorized for general officers in command and selected installation commanders. Information Management. Monitoring unit and enlisted soldier training, and making corrections as necessary. Supervising the activities of the NETOPS officer, IA staff manager, IMCOORD, RI officer, and INFOSYS officer. Professional training of dental personnel. Good staff coordination requires personal initiative, a spirit of cooperation, and the genuine interest of each staff member. (ATO and ACO information is normally received electronically through the Army Battle Command System (ABCS), which receives it from the Theater Battle Management Core System. Collecting, processing, and storing critical information about soldiers, units, and civilians. Recommending and implementing the commander's counterfire (including radar zones) and other target engagement priorities. Advising the G-2 on capabilities and vulnerabilities of threat and commercial space systems. Minimizing civilian interference with operations. Providing AMD input to the airspace control plan. Intelligence readiness includes-, D-51. Supervising the nuclear and chemical accident and incident response assistance program. Remember, while it is great to write a TACSOP, the reality is that nobody is going to read it. Coordinating support of dislocated civilian operations with the G-5. This works pretty slick and provides written record of your staff work. Assisting with area damage control and NBC detection and reporting. This task includes-. Assistant Chief of Staff, G-5 (S-5), Civil-Military Operations. The OPSEC officer helps the G-7 (S-7) perform OPSEC functions. Providing technical advice and recommendations on mission-oriented protective posture (MOPP), troop-safety criteria, operational exposure guidance, NBC reconnaissance, smoke operations, biological warfare defense measures, and mitigating techniques. The ACOS, G-6 (S-6) is the principal staff officer for all matters concerning command, control, communications, and computer operations (C4OPS). Administering civilian personnel management laws and regulations. Current command SOPs and, specifically, the internal SOP for the staff member's field of interest. What is SPO meaning in Army? Assessing the effects of collection by maintaining requirements visibility, asset visibility, and ISR assessment capability. Developing the logistic plan to support operations (with the G-3 [S-3]). Providing the G-2 (S-2) information gained from civilians in the AO. Providing finance policy and technical guidance. Requisitioning replacement units (through operations channels). Intelligence-related subjects, determined by the G-2. Headquarters Management. Monitoring and informing the commander of trends, both positive and negative, in all activities. The IG is a confidential adviser to the commander. Staff supervision involves overseeing operations within individual fields of interest and supervising staff sections and their personnel. Some personal staff officers have responsibilities as special staff officers and work with a coordinating staff officer. This is often easier said than done. Dental surgeon responsibilities include-, D-95. Manage Settings Helping the G-6 determine electronic protection requirements. Thats what the Soldiers care about. Ensuring staff work conforms to the mission, commander's guidance, and time available. An SOP or TACSOP is no good if it just sits on the shelf and collects dust. Administration of discipline, law, and order (with the provost marshal [PM]), including absence without leave (AWOL), desertion, court-martial offenses, punishments, and straggler disposition. Prepares, reviews and /or implements the following operational plans in ammunition storage areas; Firefighting, emergency destruction, physical security, explosive safety and transportation flow. They handle all the logistical requests and plan and coordinate support missions done by the FSC for the maneuver battalion. EOD officer responsibilities include-, (AR 75-15 discusses the responsibilities and duties of the EOD officer. Coordinating, planning, and directing all command IA activities. Determining requirements for veterinary supplies and equipment. Imcoord, RI officer, representing the ENCOORD augments the staff integrates and coordinates its activities and... Special operations command and selected installation commanders what should you know about Army. A single staff officer G-5 to ensure that surveillance and intelligence units locate enemy air support assets functional area officer... 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