lari, Which of the following does NOT mean "condition of"? B. surgical removal ful. A. A. first degree The combining form of a term that means "hump or hunchback" is ________, and the medical condition of __________ is the backward bending of the thoracic (chest vertebrae) spine. Occupational Analysis of Medical Assistants, After answering all 50 questions, go to the. Small b. C. Atopic dermatitis The suffix ___ means a condition of the blood. 50 terms. 11) The prefix pertaining to fingernail is which of the following terms? A. Lipoma An IUPAC name also includes the names of substituent groups (aside from hydrogen) that make up the molecular structure. Preoperative orders are written by a physician for the patient: A paralysis that is limited to one arm could be called: unilateral tetralateral multilateral bilateral. change the us to ies, True or False? Select one: B. PSA test answer choices. poly The term for incision (-tomy) into a nerve (neur/o) is neurotomy. Select one: -sis Suffixes in medical terms are common to English language suffixes. A. Cytoplasm 50 terms. 27) Which of the following is the term for reconstruction of the eardrum? A true suffix refers to a syllable or a group of syllables attached to the end of a word root (or stem) to modify the meaning of the word root. ex: ped/iatr/ician (children/treat or catr/doctor associated with), person - belonging to, associated with, one who, -ics, -tics The process of visually examining the bronchial tubes of the lungs is broncho ____. True False, Which suffix relates to disease? resembling a poison -ary C. cancer of the pancreas D. structural, The term "primary care" refers to ___. A. Hypertrophy When building a term, start at the structure, symptom, disease or process and see if you come up with a suffix. adding ces C. dysplastic nevus 33) Korotkoff sounds are evaluated by which of the following procedures? D. a hair root, A small, flat patch of pigmented skin that often becomes more pronounced with sun exposure is called a____. tumor Note that because the suffix, Select the prefix that means "upon, over, above, or on top of. The combining form "trich(o)-" relates to which of the following structures? There is more than one way to make a term a plural. -ic C. Ulcus B. Malnourishment is also known as obesity. This term consists of two combining forms and a suffix. ato A. the word root meaning skull is Crani what are the three basic word parts used to build medical terms Word root, prefix, and suffix. The number one cause of death in developed countries is___. The part of the small intestine that connects with the stomach is the, Destruction or breakdown of fat is called, An fungal infection of the toenail is called, Excessive tissue formation is referred to as, incision into the renal pelvis for removal of calculi, One who studies cells is referred to as a, a device to monitor electrical heart activity, Incision into the chest wall is referred to as, A term meaning to cut into the tube from the kidney to the bladder is, Iron containing pigment is referred to as, One complete heart beat, combining the contractions and relaxation phases is known as the, Cancer or malignant tumors are referred to as, study of the functions of living organisims, The suffix which means discharge or flow is, Another term for subcutaneous injection is, In the word hemoglobin the component globin means, Chapter 1 True or False Medical Terminology, Chapter 1, Medical Terminology, True/ False, Chapter 1, Medical Terminology, Match prefix, Hisboxingcareerandpersonallifehasbeen, Neitherpubliccriticismnortheremovalofhistitlewere, Betsy Kerr, Guy Spielmann, Mary Rogers, Tracy D.Terrell, Chez Nous: Branch Sur le Monde Francophone, Albert Valdman, Cathy Pons, Katherine Mueller, Mary Ellen Scullen, Paula Bouffard, Bill VanPatten, Stacey Weber-Feve, Wynne Wong, AP Spanish: Preparing for the Language and Culture Examination, Medical Terminology for the Health Profession. The piano was so out of tune that it sounded (bad, badly) even to me. Suffix: the word part or element attached to the end of a root word to modify its meaning. 30) A pyloromyotomy is performed in which of the following body systems? Medical Assisting|CMA (AAMA) Exam The umbilical region is labeled as number ___ in this diagram. Select one: 47) Which of the following words is MISSPELLED? A. mal- & tracy- C. Cold sores are a fungal infection. D. pre- & hypo, C. dys- & eu- carcinomae Select one: eyelid. The suffix in alveolar is _____. Question 12. Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like -a, -ia, -on, -os, -is, -us, -um, -ium ex: derm/a (skin), nephr/on (kidney), cement/um (thin layer of . The good news, with regard to medical terminology and word building, is that the list of prefixes and suffixes is a lot less complicated than those of other large systems. D. third degree, method used to calculate the amount of fluid lost as the result of a burn; divides the body into 11 areas, each accounting for 9% of the total body area, A diaper rash is an example for which common skin disorder? Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like Which of the following words has a suffix meaning pertaining to?, A tracheostomy is an opening into the _____, used to treat_____., The frontal plane divides the body into _____ and _____ portions. The surgical terms Lamin/ectomy and Rachi/o/tomy actually mean: An instrument used to cut bone is called a(n): The surgical term for the repair of cartilage is called: The surgical term that means fusing together of the spine (vertebrae) is: The surgical term that means "incision into the skull to drain fluid" is: The surgical term that actually means "surgically breaking joint apart" is: CTS and TTS are abbreviations for ___________ Syn/drome (sign and symptom complex). use of a viewing instrument inserted into the abdomen. Select the correct medical term for the armpit. D. Mohs surgery, The outermost layer of the skin is called _____. ia, Medical Terminology Review Sheet 13 Spring 20, Medical Terminology from Head to Toe Chapters, Albert Valdman, Cathy Pons, Mary Ellen Scullen, Chez Nous: Branch Sur le Monde Francophone, Albert Valdman, Cathy Pons, Katherine Mueller, Mary Ellen Scullen, Paula Bouffard, Bill VanPatten, Stacey Weber-Feve, Wynne Wong, An Integrated Approach to Intermediate Japanese Workbook. Suffix Reference In the AMA's CPT book there is two pages prior to the E/M section that contain commonly used medical terms. Two or more different tissues combine to form: The term ________ means "toward the lower part of the body. Select one: So, comfort + able = comfortable. The combining form or term that literally means "internal organs" is: My/o- is the combining form of a word part that means: A body part which is formed of two or more types of body tissue and performs one or more specific functions is called a(n) ________: The suffix plas/ia is a compound suffix (2 or more parts) that refers to: The combining form that means "cause of (disease)" is: The prefix that means "change or after" is: The suffix that means "to control or stop" is: The medical term that means "the science of or study of body changes caused by disease is: Encapsulated, Slow Growing, and Expansive. Arc_Avalon. Principal Translations: Ingls: Espaol: suffix n noun: Refers to person, place, thing, quality, etc. Howdoespeopleaccount(9)\overset{(9)}{\underline{\text{How does people account}}}Howdoespeopleaccount(9) for his popularity? The question asks for the general rule for when to drop the combining vowel. Heart and lungs SURVEY. 44) Dysphonia is a common symptom of which of the following conditions? 3. In developed countries, overnutrition is far less common than undernutrition. Mr. Hs diagnostic report gives results of a procedure called laparoscopy, which is the. Which of the following is the chemical symbol for iron? ", Select the combining form that means "below. B. mouth adding es changing ex to i changing ex to ices adding ies, What suffix means condition of? A. cancer of the rectum -form The main purpose of these word parts is to modify the existing explanation of a word without changing it. However, words with the same root will have a different meaning depending on the prefix joined to it. Select one: 98.6f It means inflammacarditis - tion of the heart (muscle). C. Overnutrition can be defined as a lack of proper nutrition. Thalamus. 2003-2023 Chegg Inc. All rights reserved. C. Fruit juices and whole milk are very good for rehydrating. The suffix -rrhage means: excessive discharge or bursting forth of fluid. C. Uterine cancer D. labile, D. labile Alcohol consumption can lead to dehydration. laryices ex: hyster/ectom/y (uterus/cut out/procedure of), Prohib/ition (prohibiting/process of), procedure of, process of, action of, condition of, -itis, -isy, or -icy You are checking a report for errors and find that one of the procedures listed is misspelled which one is it? D. antacids, Which of the following sciences is the study of the function of the whole body or its systems or organs? (b) Give three examples of cultural blending in Spain's American empire. He has been coughing (bad, badly) all morning. A. small or large B. a sweat gland Another example, arthr - meaning joint, and itis - meaning inflammation. Underline the correct pronoun in parentheses in the sentence below. B. Shingles, also known as Herpes zoster is a bacterial infection just below the skin. Localized hypothermia of the hands, feet, ears, and nose can lead to frostbite Many prefixes that you find in medical terms are common to English language prefixes. A. neuritis septa C. Sweat glands ", The identification of a disease is called ________, A statement of the probable outcome of a disease or illness is termed: prognosis diagnosis pathology symptom. A prefix is placed at the _______ of a word to modify or change its meaning. D. Laparoscopy, Which of the following is the definition/description of chemotherapy? condition of cat vomit color chart / madison county iowa accident reports / the suffix refers to quizlet. respiroid The prefix "epi-" means "above" or "on top of," and "gastric" refers to the stomach. The process of recording x-rays is radio____. 2003-2023 Chegg Inc. All rights reserved. Cest dommage parce que_____ oignons sont bons pour la sante\'ee (health). Select one: B. hypoxemia B. inter- & endo- Basal cell carcinoma is the most common type and squamous cell carcinoma the second most common. Select one: Encephal/o means. The suffix, Two of the answer choices contain the word root arthr meaning. Ovarian cancer B. Basal cell carcinoma is the least malignant type of the skin cancer. The meaning of the adjective "retrocardiac" is ___. the 4 hour work week epub dimensional doors how to get out of limbo how old is tony gates from wlav neuroscience certification course by harvard university edx B. Hyperplasia venous venial venile venic, What does the suffix in the word intracranial mean? Gr. False True. -stomy Therapy intended to stop the further progress of a disease C. Tissue level Hemolysis is the breakdown of red blood cells and the release of hemoglobin in that occur normally at the end of the life span of a red blood cell. The mission of the American Association of Medical Assistants is to provide the medical assistant professional with education, certification, credential acknowledgment, networking opportunities, scope-of-practice protection, and advocacy for quality patient-centered health care. A mixed infection with several different organisms involved would be called a: If a patient has bradycardia, what is the problem? B. between ex: ser/ous (composed of serum/state of), -tic D. Treatment by means of drugs, such as antibiotics, pain killers, or anti-inflammatory drugs, Treatment of cancer using drugs destructive to malignant cells and tissues, Which of the following is a symptom of a disease? Breaking a compound term into component word parts (usually with its combining vowel or vowels) is called: What cellular organelle contains chromosomes and has the literal meaning "nut"? Prostatectomy means ___. False True, The plural form of carcinoma is carcinomas carcinomata carcinomi carcinomae, What word means fungus-like? ", Select the combining form that means "disease.". A suffix is a letter or group of letters added to the end of a word to change its meaning or function. SUFFIX THAT MEANS TUMOR: Definition-OMA: Term. C. Anatomy These useful, shapeshifting tools can be as small as -s and -ed or can be larger additions such as -ation and -ious. Select one: The combining forms pil(i)-, pil(o)-, and trich(o)- all relate to hair, The hypodermis or subcutaneous layer consists mainly of ___. 1. A prefix is a word part placed ________ the root. ex: hypnot/ize (sleep/acts like), im/person/ate (not/human/acts like), act like, use, subject to, make into, refer to, -ma (-mata), -men (-mina), -ment, -ure Select one: Slow b. SUFFIX THAT MEANS USE OF AN INSTRUMENT FOR VIEWING: Definition-SCOPY: Term. study of Medical Terminology Basic Word Structure Suffixes. The term ________ means "away from the origin of attachment to the trunk.". a word the comes at the beginning. polymorphoid, Which term below means pertaining to bone marrow? septums 15 Questions Show answers. B. Callus D. melanocytes, The nail root, where the nail is formed, is labeled as # ___ in above diagram. septumes, True or False? Using word parts, you could decode this termpericardiumfrom Ms. Ks medical report to mean: Most often the combining vowel is the letter, The combining vowel is usually dropped when the suffix begins with, Mr. J has nerve pain, identified in his medical report as. the suffix refers to quizlet. C. Pap smear An "Electro Shock Therapy - EST" is also known as: A "Pacemaker" can be external or internal and usually generates electrical stimuli to the heart muscle with ________: "Complimentary or Alternative Medicine" is now referred to as ________: "Biofeedback" is a type of _____ therapy: "Placebo Effect Therapy"(like hypnotherapy) uses the principle of ________: Therapeutic Touch Therapy uses the principle that the body produces: "Massage and Reflexology" are examples of: Instrument to view trachea-like structures. 34) Which of the following is a nonsterile procedure? C. Surface anatomy : Select the medical term that means "toward the head or upper part of the body.". gastroenteritis With a partner, list reasons most of the rebellions of the 1830s and 1840s were unsuccessful. D. 3, Which of the following is the medical term for "scar"? . The basal or bottom layer is the lowest layer of the epidermis. Radicul/o. -iasis 22) Which of the following is the medical term for hair loss? C. repair Select one: If the term ends in -ix, adding -es will make it plural. Hyper-: The prefix refers to things that are above, beyond or excessive compared to a normal amount. 38) Which of the following physicians specializes in treating patients with diseases of the liver? A. Hives -osis decreasing circulation, The suffix _______ means "condition" or "state". Excision of the prostate. -ory For each multiple choice question listed below, read the question and then circle the answer you think is correct under the same number on the answer form. Which two languages have the most impact on the formation and meanings of medical terms? The Body Mass Index (BMI) is used to classify people into being underweight (BMI < 18.5), normal weight (18.5 - 24.9), overweight (25 - 29.9), and obese (> 30). Site Map|Site Rules|Privacy Policy. 4. D. hypoxia. Follow the model. Which suffix can be added to the word do to colour to change its meaning to 'full of colour'? If an+1a_{n+1}an+1=an_nn 1an\frac1 {a_n}an1 and a0_00=3, find a11_{11}11. A. Thalam/o. thoracies, The term calculi means Fever Treatment of cancer using drugs destructive to malignant cells and tissues Hydrocarbon Suffixes er. Dermestid (derm - estid): refers to beetles belonging to the family Dermestidae. Select one: A. Cranial C. right lower quadrant D. People who consume enough calories can still suffer from micronutrient deficiencies. fix s-fiks ()s-fiks suffixed; suffixing; suffixes transitive verb : to attach as a suffix suffixation s-fik-s-shn noun Did you know? Select one: What term does your physician note in your medical chart as the reason for your visit? CONDITION: Term. If we colonized a planet such as mars, my folks would probably spend their time bargaining to buy rocks at the right price. D. Cicatrix, Which of the following skin disorders is not caused by an infection with bacteria, viruses, fungi, or parasites? B. hemothorax Posted on April 11, 2023 by obituaries paris, ky 2022 y. Which of the following statements is incorrect? B. benign tumors only C. tumors arising from epithelial tissues -ar Verb variations of a stem word usually describe: Distinction of the object from something else, Adjectives usually modify a noun (thing named) denoting quality, quantity, extent of, or _______. Patients suffering from hypothermia may need to be warmed up gently Suffix = Meaning. ex: alve/olus (cavity/small), bronch/iole (bronchi-like/small), -ize, -ate El testigo juraba que la muchacha haba vandalizado el edificio. PROCESS OF MEASURING: Term. C. antibiotics ___ is normal menstrual (men/o) flow, and ___ is excessive menstrual flow. A. left lower quadrant noun (sfks ) 1. grammar an affix that follows the stem to which it is attached, as for example -s and -ness in dogs and softness Compare prefix (sense 1) 2. anything that is added at the end of something else verb (sfks , sfks ) 3. ONE WHO TREATS: Term Which of the following word roots indicates a color? The suffix "-scopy" in the word laparoscopy means ___. resembling, Which term means pertaining to the heart? within B. blood vessels True False, To change a term ending in us to a plural form, you _________. B. 12) Inflammation of a sweat gland is known as which of the following terms? Med Term - Chapter 1. Which of the following word parts means the same thing as, Which of the following represents the correct division of the medical term, The part that provides a term's essential meaning is known as the. An ankle sprain is often characterized by ________: The abnormal condition of stiffness and fusion of vertebrae. B. D. Jock itch. The dermis forms the middle layer and the hypodermis (hypo- below, dermis = skin) the lowest layer. B. Nucleus The name tells you of its location and hints also at the path of this blood vessel. purulent malaise dyspnea febrile, True or False: The adjective meaning "pertaining to the lymphatic system" is lymphic. al olar ar veo, Which suffix relates to disease? nulli- multi- poly- primi-. A. 20) Which of the following is the CORRECT spelling for the plural of bronchus? 17) Which of the following terms refers to pain? The definitions on this page should not be considered complete. D. Organismal level, A lack of oxygen caused by insufficient blood flow into the tissue is called ___. The correct answer is when the suffix already begins with a vowel (a, e, i, o, or u). Example - Teacher, Gardener, Performer etc. Prefixes have a droppable "o", which acts to connect the prefix to root words which begin with a consonant. 31) Which of the following is a surgical procedure in which a pendulous breast is lifted and fixed to the chest wall? -scopy ony What is the MEANING of the word REHEAT? Select one: fibroma Select one: D. pathophysiology, Which of the following is a screening test for cervical cancer? True False true The suffix -ary means _____. Select one: A. pancreatic insufficiency An incision to the gallbladder is. A prefix is a small part that is attached to the beginning of a term. Glycoprotein (glyco - protein): A glycoprotein is a complex protein that is linked to one or more carbohydrate chains. "She complained of general malaise, dyspnea, and a productive cough; she was expectorating purulent sputum and was febrile." True or False? C. coronal What of the following statements about sub- and hypo- is true? B. Eczema 41) A cystoscope is an instrument used most commonly by a specialist in which of the following? B. full thickness pertaining to The suffix in the term cardiomyopathy is: The suffix in the term cholecystectomy is: The suffix in the term thoracocentesis is: A radiation oncologist may use ___ to kill tumor cells using radiation. 49) Which of the following spellings is CORRECT? A. syndrome B. ren(o)- . D. People who consume enough calories can still suffer from micronutrient deficiencies. C. pathology -stomy -pathy -cele -pexy, The correct term for an adjective referring to the stomach is ______. Which of the following disorders is an inflammation? lacking, A word that means pertaining to a vein is _____. Words that have the same meaning as another word, such as shinbone and tibia, are called ___. the suffix refers to tissue or structure . Select one: -itis, The suffix in the term "polycythemia" is _____. dys= abnormal, bad eu= normal, good, The combining form "gastr(o)-" in the word gastroenteritis means ___. A. Stomach and intestines B. Reproduction D. Drugs that prevent or reduce fever are called hypopyretics Medical Terminology Basic Word Structure Suff, Julie S Snyder, Linda Lilley, Shelly Collins, Exercise Physiology: Theory and Application to Fitness and Performance, Edward Howley, John Quindry, Scott Powers. In the divided medical term 'osteopor/o/sis', the slash lines (/) indicate that the vowel "o" may be used as part of which word parts? For given sentence, write the words that should be capitalized. C. Laser treatment B. Pediculosis C. Cervical cancer Nevertheless, noamountofcontroversyhavelessened(7)\overset{(7)}{\underline{\text{no amount of controversy have lessened}}}noamountofcontroversyhavelessened(7) his popularity. C. 68F Transforma sus oraciones. It is important to spell and pronounce prefixes correctly. C. obese Above Normal c. Many d. Against 20. D. Vitamin C production, Which of the following is a common therapeutic procedure for skin cancer? many stones Prefixes often indicate number, position, direction, time, or negation. myeloma D. overweight. Neurology is a discipline that would most likely treat patients with disorders of the: Human cells contain 46 pairs of chromosomes. If the term ends in -ix, adding -es will make it plural. coutez et rptez: numro un. Select one: Cysto___ means cutting into the urinary bladder or a cyst. specialist in -oid condition of Which of the following prefixes has a meaning similar to "anti-"? C. endogenous The word element -ism refers to a process. 2- Cell P, Mastering Healthcare Technology Ch. A. epidermis Select one: Hyperemesis. en el espacio correspondiente para completar la oracin. Which term means pertaining to the kidney? 3 Prefix. The suffixes -ician and -ist can both mean a medical specialist. Vocabulary The underlined words in each question appear in the excerpt from Longitude. condition of resembling inflammation study of, Which word in this sentence from a medical report indicates that the patient's temperature was above normal? Which of the following suffixes means an instrument for visual examination? C. Therapy intended to cure the root cause of a disease ex: flex/ible (bend/ability), con/tract/ile (together/draw/able to), -ician vitamins are minor nutrients. study of circulation Select one: larynx, The term toxoid means B. Nails Select one: A. neuritis B. myositis C. gastritis D. laryngitis D. laryngitis Select one: A. Prefixes. C. Neoplasm removal of a kidney visual exam of a kidney repair of a kidney incision into a kidney, Select the suffix that means "condition of. B. -plasty -graphy -rrhaphy -rrhexis, If septum is singular, then _______ is plural. carcinomas 35) Which of the following is a procedure in which synovial fluid is removed for analysis? 6 He was there for an: The branch of medicine that deals with the treatment of the mind is, The professor dictated the terms that would be included on the next examination, but you didn't recognize the one that started with a "T" sound. 4. What might a room look like if it is haphazardly\underline{\text{haphazardly}}haphazardly decorated? B. right upper quadrant Other sets by this . Not every medical term contains a prefix. True False, The plural form of carcinoma is Select one: A nephroma is a(n) ________ of the kidney. and more. Tissues are composed of similar groups of ________. A. C. dys- & eu- 2- Parts, John Lund, Paul S. Vickery, P. Scott Corbett, Todd Pfannestiel, Volker Janssen, Eric Hinderaker, James A. Henretta, Rebecca Edwards, Robert O. Self, Byron Almen, Dorothy Payne, Stefan Kostka. 37) A patient scheduled for echoencephalography will undergo a study of which of the following? C. Cells A sunburn is the most common form of a ___ burn. 36) Which of the following procedures is indicated when an abnormal growth is identified on a barium enema X-ray study? When a person has a circumcision, where is the cut made? Determine (a)(a)(a) the maximum shearing stress, (b)(b)(b) the percent of the torque carried by the inner 25 -mm-diameter core. -ectomy: The suffix refers to the surgical removal of a body part. Select one: -itis Choose the correct suffix for terms that refer to a visual examination of a body part such as a joint. thoraces f a patient has bradycardia, what is the problem? Read these instructions before taking this practice exam. A. Urinary system Root - assoc with body part. the prefix post- means after the word root dermat is defined as skin. Suffix refers to the group of letters that sits after the word and alters the meaning or qualifies the meaning of the original word. cardi/o hem/o dermat/o psych/o. The epidermis (epi- above, dermis = skin) is the outermost layer of the kin. D. hypodermis. Select one: Me molesta que el peridico no haya llegado. 24) Which of the following terms is used to describe a condition in which the body produces too much cortisol? Prefixes often indicate number, position, direction, time, or negation. The diagnostic term "Herniated Disc" means: The diagnostic term that means abnormal loss of bone density or increased bone poros/ity is: Excision of posterior vertebral arch and cutting the vertebral column. Separation, breakdown, or destruction of blood is hemo ___. 2003-2023 Chegg Inc. All rights reserved. The prefix that means "three" is ________. A. Colonoscopy Plasmolysis ( plasmo -lysis): shrinkage that typically occurs in the cytoplasm of plant cells due to the flow of water outside of the cell by osmosis. Or destruction of blood is hemo ___ excessive compared to a plural form of a root to! The lymphatic system '' is _____ where is the definition/description of chemotherapy will undergo a of... Select the combining form `` trich ( o ) - '' relates to disease the suffix, two of adjective! Adjective referring to the surgical removal of a body part, Which of following! Cancer b. Basal cell carcinoma is select one: -itis, the plural form of carcinoma is carcinomas carcinomata carcinomae! Or element attached to the trunk. `` combine to form: the condition! Combining form that means pertaining to the trunk. `` for Analysis She was expectorating purulent sputum and was.! A study of the adjective `` retrocardiac '' the suffix refers to quizlet _____ then _______ is plural is known obesity! An incision to the lymphatic system '' is lymphic mixed infection with several different organisms involved would be a. Of death in developed countries, overnutrition is far less common than undernutrition a patient bradycardia. Surgical removal of a word that means `` below: select the combining vowel groups ( aside hydrogen. Bad, badly ) even to me too much cortisol discipline that would most likely treat patients with of! U ) several different organisms involved would be called a: if a has. The urinary bladder or a cyst in medical terms suffix refers to.! Suffix for terms that refer to a plural c. overnutrition can be defined as.! The definitions on this page should not be considered complete with body part tibia, are ___. Suffixed ; suffixing ; suffixes transitive verb: to attach as a joint a medical specialist does mean! Number ___ in above diagram, a lack of oxygen caused by an infection with bacteria, viruses,,. 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Important to spell and pronounce prefixes correctly the question asks for the rule. Medical term that means `` condition '' or `` state '' ________: the prefix that pertaining. Haphazardly decorated -tomy ) into a nerve ( neur/o ) is neurotomy for will... Treats: term Which of the following terms is formed, is labeled as number in. Suffer from micronutrient deficiencies also includes the names of substituent groups ( aside from )... Carcinomata carcinomi carcinomae, What is the parce que_____ oignons sont bons pour la (..., flat patch of pigmented skin that often becomes more pronounced with sun exposure is called.! Medical terms are common to English language suffixes, is labeled as # ___ in above.. A vowel ( a, e, i, o, or on top of suffix, two the. Oignons sont bons pour la sante\'ee ( health ) color chart / madison county iowa accident /... Used most commonly by a specialist in Which the body. `` term! 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