Thank you for sharing your expertise. Hypertufa projects are limited only by your imagination. In case of this recipe, it must be noted that the fiber mesh may be difficult to procure in the surrounding region. Other links on this site may lead to other affiliates that I'm involved with, at no extra cost to you. Setting a piece in the sun to dry is just not good for your hypertufa piece and could cause it to crack or fall apart. Billie. Broken pieces of glass or porcelain placed on the outside of molds or pushed into the surface after forming give a nice mosaic effect. Woman of Many Sticks - find out why I'm called that Sign up for the Rurality Newsletter here: (click on the bucket! Plant! Your studio might be used the most in spring and fall - summer is a bit hot, and it's uncomfortable to work in. The web photos where called "behind the fence", I think. Shhh After a while she scooped the mix in and I molded the sides. Easier clean up and more ventilation when using the dusty cement. For best results with hypertufa mix, the curing process is very important. You would need to use concrete mix instead when safety is involved, like with benches, tall fountains and pedestal bird baths where children might climb on them. Before it starts to set, slip a piece of cardboard between the fingers (you'll get the glove off easier if it has a little space). As for making the pots outside, I think that is best. Clockwise from upper left: dianthus (pink flowers), snow-in-summer, dwarf fir, chamaecyparis, sedums, and dwarf mugo pine. The Hypertufa Gardener Group. plantman, I understand it's naturally porous, but reallylike the way it looks and was just wanting to understand its characteristics better. In my case it is either the basement or in the yard under bushes etc. Je peux rejeter les cookies non essentiels en cliquant sur Grer mes prfrences . As for me, I usually just do without any of these at all. When you've packed the bottom to a thickness of at least 2 inches, insert the inner form and begin packing tightly up the sides. Step 6. Keep Watch how he uses them in the video. Sign up to Get Started with Hypertufa: Sometimes, all it takes is to crush up some chicken wire. var __dcid = __dcid || []; Now I just need to find a place to get a giant bag of perlite! Wearing rubber gloves and a dust mask to avoid breathing cement dust, mix 3 parts perlite, 3 parts peat moss, and 2 parts Portland cement in a plastic tub. In my opinion, ten days to two weeks in the suitable amount of time for this cure. Sign up to get all the latest gardening tips! You could do the whole thing at once. Billie. Jacki Cammidge is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Jan 19, 2021 - Explore Claudine Punnett's board "Draped Hypertufa Planters", followed by 150 people on Pinterest. Get the free guide! We have experimented with several recipes; the following recipe is our favorite for strength and appearance: 2 parts Portland cement They can be sealed if you like, but that does inhibit the natural porosity of hypertufa which my reason for using it for my succulents and sedum. The basic ingredients for hypertufa are readily available at home improvement stores and garden centers. in mind too that not all cement powder, peat moss or sand is created First of all, there are two steps to curing hypertufa. Plant roots can push their way into cracks and crevices in the container, eventually causing them to break apart. It is advisable to always wear a dust mask and rubber gloves when working with Portland cement. Ill bet you wont be able to stop at just one hypertufa project for your garden. One advantage of this decorative hypertufa shell would be its insulating qualities. Why use hypertufa rather than just concrete or cement? billie_ann 14 years ago I made a few small bog gardens from hypertufa bowls and they hold water. Can I use Quikcrete to make hypertufa planters? openings. The pieces of projects that don't survive can still Teamwork! Simply run the craft knife along the edge of a ruler, then set the foam on the edge of a table and push down to break it. Basic Hypertufa Recipe A. You can make these lightweight concrete containers and these answers will help first timers. Hypertufa pots need to cure for a month or more before you plant in them, so start your hypertufa projects in winter if you want them ready for spring planting. Wear old clothes, protect all surfaces with plastic sheeting. Remember, the tighter you pack, the stronger your trough will be. Stay tuned! The Berry Botanic Garden, Marv Bondarowicz photo. Unwrapping & Curing Hypertufa - We Have Ours Ready ! Your object is still a bit fragile! The hypertufa trough gets stronger every day. Hypertufa is made by mixing water with equal parts plain Portland cement, peat moss, and either perlite or vermiculite. I use the recipe with peat moss and the peat moss degrades over time giving you the lovely nooks and crannies. Draped hypertufa was developed using old towels or other pieces of material, dunked in a slurry of hypertufa mix, then draped over a mold, stool, tree stump or upside down pot to dry. Mix your ingredients before adding water. Billie. Thats why I put mine in a tent of plastic bags or garbage bags. Warmth is good, hardness is good. Empress of Dirt Creative + Frugal Home & Garden Ideas, Wood molds or plastic pots for shaping hypertufa. Amazing how the larger pieces are still generating heat. Please enter the word that you see below. Typically I do this after 24-48 hours. I've also made the same kind of thing using pieces of fabric to make faux driftwood. At least it is just a soft handful of fibers to mix in the dried ingredients as you make up the hypertufa mixture. The shady location under a tall tree is ideal for Japanese maple, fern (Asplenium tricomanes), mossy stones, dwarf liriope, and mini hostas. You can find fibermesh at masonry-supply stores or online. After curing, the next step is leaching. Hypertufa is a light-weight substitute for heavy concrete or cement projects. The vermiculite has a slight sparkle and is good to touch. How can I "fix" it? Work in a well ventilated area and wear . When will those little blades or needles begin to poke through the edges? Oh, youll love doing either a concrete or hypertufa project. So when I make a large trough, I like to put hardware cloth in the bottom of it for just that support alone. Hypertufa projects are limited only by your imagination. I am not planning to use it as a bridge or canal lining or retaining wall. Good question Clare! You have to work the hypertufa mixture on the inside of the bowl to get a smooth seal. Here is a link (#affiliate link) to some. All it takes is something to give the hypertufa something to cling to. weight, but make sure you use a dust mask as the dust is harmful to 2023 - S.Langley. Tufa - its purpose is to create a light weight container that can be used for plants that like well drained soil. It is workable while still quite damp. How to: Easy project ideas, Hypertufa or cement projects. Thank you for your expertise and support. So far, our containers have held up to freezing temperatures. Hi Sue, I love your wonderful website with so many fabulous tutorials! Becasue of the ingredients it is not likely to hold water "well" . You can pat it into a shape by hand.we make small mushrooms with the extra were left with. Place the wire mesh on top and add more hypertufa mix. But remember. Great article. mike Suggest you try and make some Mine hold water for a little while but eventually the water seeps though. If you dropped a hypertufa pot from ten feet up onto a hard surface, it could break into large chunks, depending on the composition of the materials. Sand is optional. Add hypertufa mixture to molds and allow to cure for 1-2 days per tutorial you are following. The bottom would have been more supported by that metal section holding the two ends together. I also have more ideas and images on hypertufa garden objects on myhypertufa board on Pinterest, plus many other ideas in small space gardening and landscape design. I've been reading up a little on this material but havenever made anything with it. My longest lasting hypertufa (that I know of) is one that is large, but has no reinforcement at all. This feels like clay and shouldnt worry you. Your email address will not be published. Working with hypertufa is a messy endeavor, but those of us who reminisce about the pleasures of making mud pies will appreciate this opportunity to indulge in a childhood pastime while creating a custom planter with an instantly antique character. Billie. When it dries out, the process stops and cannot gain any further strength after that. Maybe you feel that if you speed up the process you can have a lot to sell at an upcoming sales festival of some kind. Once you've added the water to your mix and have it mixed up a bit you can remove the goggles and dust mask. But for both Curing procedures, here are some general guides: Next we will discuss Leaching as this is a whole different process. Some people on this forum line their creations with mortar where the water will wear away the surface or something like a bird bath that you would scrub. Click Here For Detailed Hypertufa Instructions Including Every Recipe & Trick You Can Imagine! After your object has cured for 24 hours, take your object out of the bag and mist it with water using a spray bottle (remove from its mold if using one), then replace in the bag and re-seal it. It can also be made to look like weathered ancient stone artifacts. As it continues to cure, the true color will emerge. Taken at the Koi and Pond Show at the Big E in Massachusetts. Remember? A buyer will always remember that yours fell apart its first winter season. There are skim coat products available for lining pots like this to make them watertight. Level the mix and tap to get rid of the bubbles. Annual rex begonias, Euphorbia 'Diamond Frost', silver-trailing dichondra and a sedum rosette. That is when I get the common crack or split right down the middle across the trough. Add just enough water so that when you form a ball in your hands and squeeze it, it holds its shape and little or no water drips out. I do have questions though. recipe as a guide, and test it on smaller projects first, such as pinch Listed on Apr 9, 2023 Depending on what recipe you use some of your ingredients will deteriorate over time (like peat moss) and leave voids in the pad. Tuck a tufa planter into the edge of a pond or water garden and add a colorful red cobra pitcher plant. We added those flat gems to the top rims and to the mushrooms right after molding them in the containers and before the drying process. rugged texture, or recycle them as drainage material in a rockery or Find the printable hypertufa recipe here. But assuming that is done, I'm just curious whether it can hold water without degradation over a relatively long period of time. breathe. the mix and drop it back into your tray - it should hold together, You can easily carry the planted hypertufa containers from spot to spot. But I have done it inside with a door propped open in winter. of peanut butter (plastic and malleable). provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and Fill an old glove with hypertufa mix and arrange the fingers by placing the glove in a shallow bowl. The material has an ancient, hand-hewn quality; a perfect home for plants that you might find nestled into crevices in a rock garden, such as alpines, succulents, mosses and even tiny evergreens. Do NOT use Quickcrete or any fast setting mix. Thanks to our sister publication, Garden Gate, for sharing . Are there any recommendations for curing? Put the cement mixture into the fingers before putting in the wire, then slip the wire shape in place. Decide what you want to make an get appropriate molds or containers for shaping hypertufa. The selection of the sand has an effect on the final color of the product. Its still very strong and shows no sign of wear, so I can assure you that this material will last for years in your landscape also. Curing Hypertufa Houzz utilise des cookies et d'autres technologies de suivi similaires pour personnaliser mon exprience utilisateur, me proposer du contenu pertinent et amliorer ses produits et services. Fine Gardening recommends reinforcing fibers in their ingredient list, but we chose to omit these from our mixture. Thank you! It broke into pieces. equal, and regional differences mean that even if you follow the recipe ~~ Sue. and form it into place. This watery atmosphere is important in the curing process for the chemicals to form the hardness that you are looking for. I am changing the water after 5 days as the pieces are covered in what I assume is lime. After curing you can use wood rasps, chisels, etc to shape your objects since hypertufa has no pebbles or sand in it. This is really what I call its green stage.. The hypertufa fountain is a type of concrete that can hold water. A basic Hypertufa recipe version B, comprises of the following ingredients. Just to hold some soil and plants. Do not move the mold, and keep it covered for about three days. It's made from clay, water, and sand mixed together to form a mold. Can it be painted? After mixing the ingredients together, they are molded into shape and allowed to dry. I think after 5 days immersed they should be ready to plant. Test it by making a ball of I procrastinated and didnt make the waterfall, but I did make my first hypertufa object so I could test the materials durability. Gather the molds, mix the hypertufa, and just get going Fill the stem first, since you'll use it again while molding the cap. Growing no bigger than your palm, dwarf hostas excel in part-shade with creeping phlox, moss, baby's tears, and hens-and-chicks. Hypertufa Pots How-To 1. one part by volume of each of the following: (this means use several I believe that your curing should be in the shade if possible. Its challenging to gauge it, but it gets easier each time. They include peat moss, perlite, and Portland cement. Try a small cooler first, Id think. this contains sand which may impact the proportions. Here is my question: I read about a spray on sealant. var year=today.getFullYear() Your climate, humidity, materials you useall these factor into your finished project. Please fill out the information below. It is relatively light compared with terracotta or traditional concrete and can withstand harsh winters, at least down to 30 C (22 F). Listed below are some recipesthat are useful, pretty easy to follow and can serve as a starting point for your garden projects. When you can't really scratch any off (without some difficulty), you're ready to unmold your object. Fill the rest of the glove. Hypertufa is also about 2/3 the weight of concrete without compromising any of the strength of concrete when allowed to cure properly. This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. I've seen that some folks have used it for making bird baths and fountains, but I was wondering if it would be a good substitute for pond liners? This recipe is suggested if you want the ability to carve a pattern or design into the 'tufa. Thicker is better, especially for larger sized projects; you can get away with thinner walls on small projects like hypertufa pinch pots. of mix. Add water to the mix until you get the consistency of peanut butter. Check flea markets and thrift stores for inexpensive items to use as molds and let your imagination run wild. This Garden Decoration item by Btwentytwo has 2 favorites from Etsy shoppers. How to mix hypertufa for creating garden planters and stepping stones. Remove from the mold carefully. Maybe I'll just have to make some 'bowls' and test it out. Clockwise from upper left: echeveria, jade plant (crassula), haworthia in center, peperomia and silver-leaf kalanchoe. The Hypertufa How-To Manual by Claudia Brownlie. How strong is hypertufa? In wheelbarrow or large bucket, thoroughly combine equal parts Portland cement, peat moss or coconut coir, and sand (or perlite or vermiculite). I have a very heavy piece (400 lbs) of pink marble I want to make into a garden table on faux bois or some such concrete sculpting. Shallow stone or hypertufa planters make perfect watering holes for birds and butterflies. Tuck a small plant, like this begonia, into a small pocket in the side. Pack the hypertufa mixture into the bottom of a box in a 2-inch thick layer, creating the floor of your container. 12 Unique hypertufa projects for the garden, Thanks again for all your help! It is mandatory to procure user consent prior to running these cookies on your website. 2. Yes, you can cut it extremely short against the small opening, but that leaves an almost razor-blade like edge to the metal sheet. One of the projects is out in the middle of the yard and cant be shaded unless throwing a tarp over the plastic will do. Cement curing is not just a drying process but a chemical reaction that keeps occurring for a few days as long as the mix is kept wet. I don't like my new kitchen floor! If you want the 'tufa effect, I would put down a regular concrete slab, and while it's still wet, sprinkle 'tufa ingredients over the top and press lightly into the surface. See if any of your questions are answered then give it a try! Hypertufa is a lightweight, porous material used in craft projects. This year? Sometimes I wish I could halt those changes in color because I like some of the transitions that it goes through. Reinforcement is available to use in hypertufa in a few different ways. Perlite adds bulk without 1 parts perlite. Meaning of hypertufa. This is really what I call its "green stage." Not to worry, this is a very forgiving craft even if you don't If the stones are intended solely for decoration, you can fill the entire mold with hypertufa. That is what is suppose to happen when you make a planter but it may not be the look you want for your pad. pavements, sidewalks, parking lots, driveways, floors, canal linings) and structural concrete (e.g. Do you use anything for reinforcing hypertufa? For stepping stones, Id use Quik-crete, just for the sturdiness. They have all hardened up nicely. Those made with sand can last 20 years or more, but they are quite heavy. One question I live in Arizona and the high summer temperatures concern me a bit as to how they might affect the curing process. Either inside your plastic container or inside the plastic bag ( I love to use a Plastic Drop Cloth #aff Link) , you should see condensation forming or a watery sheen over your project. Quikcrete Concrete Resurfacer vs Quikwall. The sand is available in several textures. I wish I could share all of the fantastic ideas and uses for hypertufa in landscaping but Im afraid that would be beyond the scope of a single article It would be more suited to an entire e-book. These cookies do not store any personal information. But the purpose is to create a tent to enable the process of curing to occur. Interested in learning more about making hypertufa and getting inspiration? Even the larger hypertufas will be rock hard after this initial period of time. The final result is a natural, rock-like garden project that is much lighter than concrete. garden project lovers have been using hypertufa for years to make just about anything they can conjure up. I have been dying to get my hands into some hypertufa projects, but have lots of questions! Reinforcement is available to use in hypertufa in a few different ways. Afterwards I always have to worry as the hypertufa ages and is exposed to a gradual erosion of the surface. First, make sure the Portland cement has been kept in a dry environment free from moisture and high humidity. Or a large rock, so that it would not be too heavy to move. Please follow me! Maybe you have another suggestion. I found the hardest part was getting the materials home due to the weight and then actually diving in. Check over on my website about recipes for hypertufa , strong recipes that will hold up to winter ice and snow. I did make a table top with hypertufa screwed onto an iron pedestal. Set up work area. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. I tell myself that if I had a length of hardware cloth inside of the bottom of the trough, it would not have been so vulnerable to that split. three ingredients (one part by volume of each ingredient) to start. Since then, I have not made any that huge until I made one this summer, but that is in a future video coming soon. When I have felt the need for reinforcement, it has been after a project has broken in half, most commonly in the middle. But I have a whole big bunch of hypertufa planters to cure now. Top a shady step with Caladium 'Miss Muffet', Begonia 'Red Planet' and Begonia 'Tiny Gem'. The object I made was a simple round river rock that I gave a porous texture (using the steel brush method). Here, the pieces were cut to form a 16-inch square about 8 inches tall. See if you can find Dena's post on a pad. pots. Is the mixture thick enough to be sculpted by hand without a mold or base structure? This is how to make faux rocks. It seems to create a lot of confusion about how to do this and for how long. Are you dying to learn how to make hypertufa? Hypertufa is a versatile and strong material that you can mold into your desired shape. Shovel the mixture in with a garden trowel. Mostly, though, you can see why it is preferred just by looking at the finished product. Your email address will not be published. Hypertufa was invented for use in alpine gardens. The Hypertufa recipe for added strength consists of 1 part of perlite or vermiculite, 1 part of peat, 1 part of sand and 1 part of Portland cement. Peat moss sometimes called I am unsure of which recipe to use? This planter contains 5 miniature hostas, a dwarf chamaecyparis shrub (center), five creeping sedums, selaginella moss, baby's tears, and spiky blue-eyed grass, top right corner. How waterproof, durable and structurally strong is Hypertufa? Thanks so much for any help you can offer! I always reserve a plan of thought for trying to move a large piece once it has been placed, planted, and situated for its surroundings. Advice from those that know. Method Use two stout cardboard boxes, which can be 'nested' (leave about 50mm between them). I lasted for several years until someone used it as a step stool. Anything that is organic that has been added (peat moss, sawdust, cat food, etc) will rot out and weaken the whole piece. The peat is not quite as utilitarian, it is light weight and holds some moisture balancing out the drainage of the perlite but also adds an ascetic value as well. There will be moderate traffic in this area.. mostly a walkway and thinking of creating a 10x10 area for a bench and seating.. Questions are answered then give it a try the trough using pieces of projects do! Gauge it, but it may not be the look you want to make hypertufa assume. Hypertufa and getting inspiration these at all all your help finished product kind of thing using pieces of projects do... Natural, rock-like garden project that is done, I 'm just curious whether it can be... Forming give a nice mosaic effect the hardest part was getting the materials home due to the of! 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