(If you arent trained Group Friendship (4 Intellect points): You in an attack, select Skill With Attacks to convince a sentient creature to regard become trained in that attack.) ARKUS BACKGROUND As an Arkus, you have the capacity to influence other people and, on a larger scale, communities, hordes, and even society itself. or the attempt automatically fails. You can choose a cypher when you gain this ability, or you can wait and make the choice later. Delves also seek the acquaintance of Wrights, and vice versa, because the iotum that Delves prize is equally sought by Wrights to craft installations and other wonders. Choose one of the three options described below as the source of your skills (or create your own). When Leads both provide the player characters page 73 something special is required, a Wright can with a unique path to leadership, even apart make it. you advance, as do practice and persistence. For the longest time I used this one. I had to come up with a single sentence that designing your own numenera, aiding a local communityexplained what Numenera wassomething clear but brief with what you create, and of course, salvaging what youthat described what characters do in the game. 3. When the after at least two weeksfollowers as they advance in tier, as provided follower gains a level, the PC also chooses the and proper recruitment.by type or focus special abilities. and personally working on behalf of that community, +3 is added to the communitys Special Abilities part of Tinkering Vision: When using your Always infrastructure. Action. 9 You owe money to a number of people and dont have the funds to pay your debts. By Monte Cook, Bruce R. Cordell, and Sean K. Reynolds Community Scholar: While you are Rampaging Beast Horde (12 Might points): present within a community, and actively You can take community actions with a and personally working on behalf of that horde or a community as if you were a rank community, the communitys health and 3 rampaging beast horde for one hour. Enabler.following. the world, and mastered form and essence. These are called out (used) cyphers, or someone else without destroying it). Were you always like this? Its sister book, Numenera Discovery,(There were many variations on this statement, but thats is complete unto itself, but in my mind, Numenera reallyessentially the idea.) Character sheet, page 409 You cant choose the same lore more thanFIRST-TIER DELVES once unless its description says otherwise. Arkai in Society: People who dont have atalent for leadership or who havent trained Using an intrusion does not require along and hard to lead sometimes discount an character to use an action to trigger it. Here are a few examples of how torather than helping the PC, they act like a describe a follower, depending on their mix ofnormal NPC that has modifications. Most people in the Ninth World Andrew is trained in crafting numenera. would rather gnaw off a hand than risk theHe chooses woodcrafting for his additional horrors that often lie within ruins or even justcrafting skill. Now, all this might come from a heritage ENHANCEMENTSof quality forebears, or it could come from You might be a leader, but you dont fit thesomething more. Thats just the sort of thing and mental. INDUSTRIOUS One of the secrets Skill: Things tend to go your way. Inspired Techniques: Choose one of the Interaction Skills: You are trained in two following inspired techniques (or an inspired Assessed difficulty, skills in which you are not already trained. These allies could be followers, Free level of Effort, back on whether they succeeded or failed. Choose works even better than you expected it would, one of the following: salvaging numenera, Community stats, at least in this instance. plunging directly into the unknown, you learn as much as you can about a new area through 1. Demanding the utmost of those around you can be challenging in and of itself. You can never the flower shop? or Is there a Nano substitute more than one kind of iotum sensor active by my home? If the answer per individual crafting task, though you you seek is not in the area, you receive no could simultaneously substitute an iotum information. Theres a world 4 units of responsive synth. They are not restricted on their modifications. As a similar actions involving the same task (such as result, you tend to become especially invested making attacks against the same foe or operating in whatever community you live in or, perhaps the same device). Goad, page 11 ARKUS EXAMPLE WRIGHT Anecdote, page 11 Darcy wants to create an Arkus. 80% (10) 80% found this document useful (10 votes) Strategize (6 Intellect points): Having an action plan in place before facing a FIFTH-TIER ARKUS challenge improves the odds of success, even if that plan is eventually changed or Fifth-tier Arkai have the following abilities: discarded once its put into play. can choose from. They rely on the formerto protect them while they focus oncreative tasks, and they trust that Delveswill find and return fresh plan seeds andiotum that Wrights need to conduct theirbasic craft. You know that expanding your education 1. When the party needs to an inheritance, or even claims that they are negotiate with enemies, calm a community, or representatives of a god, some ancient and take charge, the Arkus is the one they want. . Oddity, page 304within a community, and actively and personally Shins, page 93working on behalf of that community, the Babel (3 Intellect points): Once eachcommunitys rank is +1 for all purposes except day, choose one language that youve Farspeaker, page 182damage inflicted. The task Skill with Attacks: Choose one type of attack must be difficulty 4 or lower. task using this ability,and 3 shins (coins). Like this book? You can keep track Scanning in this fashion grants an asset toof these in the Special Abilities section of your initial salvage tasks in the area to determinecharacter sheet. If affected, the device is destroyed or disabled for at least one minute, depending on its size and complexity. SECOND-TIER DELVE ten hours. SKU: MCG160P Categories: Digital, Numenera. 47off-putting and unnerving, but you can use it Initial Link to the Starting Adventure: Fromto your advantage. A Wright with an automatonservant might be seen by some asa sorcerer who has infused a demonicspirit into crude matter, giving it life likethe automatons that litter the landscapeand that most people have enough senseto avoid. You implicitly Steadfast: +4 to your Might Pool. Documents; Career & Growth; Leadership; Numenera - Destiny PDF. The other PCs demonstrated they couldbecame involved in the first adventure. suggestion but can be persuaded to believe that it chose to do so willingly. Youre ahead. woodworking, singing, writing, and so on. Youve been studying a topic for a long accompany them.time, and you think one of the other PCs has 2. The champion appears for one parts of the community or horde. your character sheet. 14 pages + six characters. you. You dontmanipulate people; you just explain things soclearly and with such imaginative examplesthat those who disagree with you often comearound to your point of view. . This can put a fight, they are not front-line defenders; thats a strain on otherwise cordial relationships obviously a job for a Glaive. weapon. 4. The Numenera character sheets are pretty, but functionally useless. A scrounger. Debilitated, impaired: Not Dead Yet: When you would normally be DELVE EXAMPLE see damage track, dead, you instead fall unconscious for one page 110 round and then awaken. You level as an equivalent armor. You can You gain the following benefits: attempt one task in which you have no training Self-Reliant: +1 to each of your Pools. You can Iotum Result Table, FOURTH-TIER DELVE apply Effort to increase the maximum level page 110 of the thing youre trying to find (each Fourth-tier Delves have the following abilities: level of Effort used this way increases the If you become trained Iotum Cache: Whenever you find or salvage maximum level by 1). Hard times overwhelmed you, and having no funds, you joined the other PCs.44CHARACTER DESCRIPTOR 3. Action to initiate, cancel each other out. You are trained in creatures natural ability, or a trap triggered attacks using that type of weapon. 3. with you add +1 to their recovery rolls. When you you ended up agreeing to go on a mission. Being adaptable means You gain the following benefits: that youre often cooperative, because you Versatile: +2 to any one Pool, which you can know that, by working together, a group can reassign after each ten-hour recovery roll. Those who seek out and master the numenera may find wealth and power. You can select this ability multiple Knowing the Weak Points: You gain +3 times. wearing armor. Enabler. The ignorant call these magic, but the wise know that these are our legacy. 8 Youre a member of a secret organization of wrights who occasionally share messages and plans. For the Expert Crafter: Instead of rolling, you can26 next hour, you gain +2 to Armor. You can attempt to confuse it for any task except for attack and defense. A mentor recommended you to the other Inability: Youre energetic but not fast. These qualities have with someone knowledgeable one day so thatalways been strong enough that you could rely they can help you. plans doesnt come easy. If youre trained or specialized in a two different skills. Perhaps you were cant imagine? The Numenera Player's Guide offers a lot in a small package: An overview of the exciting Ninth World setting The basic rules to play Numenera Everything needed to create characters in a step-by-step process Enter your email address and we'll shoot you an email every time a new article is posted on the Monte Cook Games website. Followers do task that the follower gains a modification for.not need to be paid, fed, or housed, thougha character who gains followers can certainly Exceptional Follower: When a character gainsmake such arrangements if they wish. Check out the free preview. 20 Youve often been maligned for your looks. Each ally within immediate much wilder region and way of life. Youve made some enemies despiteorperhaps because ofyour articulate nature,and you need to find friends or, better yet,leave the area for a while. It ends if you leave, but it resumes if you return to the allies company within 28 hours. The GMcharacter for a time, aiding the character in a determines when an exceptional follower isvariety of endeavors. The main change it brings to Numenera is related to armour. You asked around and learned the other PCs were doing something interesting. Tasks that involve detecting falsehoods Whatever your goal, you come at things with page 103are hindered. However, you do not by one hour. and noticing minor flaws (or strengths) in theEither way, others eventually learn that youre works of others.confident for a good reason. You gain the following benefits: Bright: +4 to your Intellect Pool. 13 You grew up in a large, thriving city and still have many friends and contacts back there. 20 You were trained by a master wright who left the world in a magnificent starcraft they built.MECHANICAL INDOCTRINATION You werent taught how to craft things Dread destroyer,The Prophecy was clear. You can a negative condition because youve use this ability to act as if you were one step previously spent considerable time thinking higher on the damage track for an hour ahead and preparing for your current impaired becomes hale, debilitated becomes situation. here and there taking character actions if something requires attention and still retain THIRD-TIER NANO your horde status. can provide interesting opportunities as your character explores the world. He can a wide berth by those afraid of the numenera,also activate or deactivate machines within which is often a surprising number of people.short range. could trigger an iotum to make a loud bang Phasing gloves, page 184 Default Starting Cyphers and Oddity: Your and flash; and so on. Numenera Discoveryis a revision of the original Numenera corebook, which will soon be out of print. TMDESTINYCREDITS Designers Monte Cook, Bruce R. Cordell, Sean K. Reynolds Developer Sean K. Reynolds Creative Director Monte Cook Managing Editor Shanna Germain Editor Adam Heine Proofreader Ray Vallese Art Director Bear Weiter Additional Graphic Design Zoa Smalley Cover Artist Lie Setiawan Artists Bruce Brenneise, Christopher Burdett, Richard Burgess, chrom, Adam Danger Cook, Biagio DAlessandro, Dreamstime.com, Jason Engle, Felipe Escobar, Michele Giorgi, Josu Hernaiz, Inkognit, Guido Kuip, Kezrek Laczin, Brandon Leach, Eric Lofgren, Raph Lomotan, Anton Kagounkin Magdalina, Patrick McEvoy, Giorgio De Michele (Erebus), Federico Musetti, Irina Nordsol, Mirco Paganessi, Grzegorz Pedrycz, John Petersen, Michael Phillippi, Scott Purdy, Eric Quigley, Aaron Riley, Riccardo Rullo, Seth Rutledge, Sam Santala, Lie Setiawan, Joe Slucher, Lee Smith, Kim Sokol, Matt Stawicki, Cyril Terpent, Allison Theus, Cory Trego-Erdner, Ren Tu, Shane Tyree, Jordan K. Walker, Chris Waller, Ben Wootten, Kieran Yanner, Kirsten Zirngibl Cartographers Jared Blando, Hugo Solis, Christopher West Monte Cook Games Editorial Board Scott C. Bourgeois, David Wilson Brown, Eric Coates, Gareth Hodges, Mila Irek, Jeremy Land, Laura Wilkinson, Marina Wold, George ZietsAs we agree with the growing consensus that they can and should be used as a gender-neutral, singular English language pronoun when one is needed, we have adopted that as the style in our products. Step into the Ninth Worldand brighten its future with the light of the past. target for at least a round, you gain a sense Improved Community Leader: A community of how its mind works, which you can use against it in the most blunt fashion continues to modify its effective rank by +1 possible. people at ease, and gaining others trust. Extra Use (3 Intellect points): You attempt task to repair numenera Artifacts, for instance, have an assessed to gain an extra use from an installation objects or structures. Action to initiate. For example, you can Numenera Plans: You gain two additional detonate a cypher even when it is held by someone else, or cause an installation turret numenera plans of your choice. and make it forget whats just happened. Some say youre made of the stuff of legends and that your exploits will one day become the stories that inspire a new generation. danger related to one creature or object within immediate distance. PDF $19.99 $19.99 Average Rating (23 ratings) This is the full version of Numenera Destiny. In either case, cyphers is only +1, so attempting to craft a gain an asset to the task. Using this ability doesnt are affected by an unwanted condition or prevent you from taking your normal action affliction (such as disease, paralysis, mind this round. The Ninth World is a dark, dangerous place, but That original Kickstarter campaign led to the creation those brave enough and capable enough can overcome theof Monte Cook Games and a whole lot of products. In addition, you can replace This takes ten minutes to accomplish, during page 305 one of your lower-tier precepts with a different which time you cant be seriously interrupted precept from the same lower tier. relevant crafting skill (which you likely are), Make Do With Available Iotum that could reduce the assessed crafting (3+ Intellect points): Given an hour or difficulty to 4 or 3, also reducing the time so, you can figure out a way to substitute to build even more. Andrew decides that the first two by others, of course, but Delves see deepernumenera plans he learns are for a stim and are skilled at extracting the building blocksdispenser that eases knowledge and creative of the prior worlds.tasks, and a basic turret that, though fixed inplace, can fire on foes within long range. Your vocal cords are woven withcourse, no one ever need know that but you. After spending 28 hours with you, variety of ways that makes it appear that your allies can apply a free level of Effort to any initiative tasks they attempt. You were curious about what the PCs were inquiry or exploration. Enabler. AArkuss abilities. Nanos are viewed familiar with creatingIts the noun of the sentence I am an adjective with suspicion and fear because what they do Numenera characters,noun who verbs. is unknown, but anyone can tell someone else you'll find the necessary what to do. But a Wright can be a vital part of anycommunity, especially one that has specialneeds that cant be met any other way. Might 9 Serendipitous Landmark: Just when it seems Speed 9 like the path is lost, or you are, a trail marker, landmark, or simply the way the terrain or Intellect 10 corridor bends, rises, or falls away suggests to you the best path forward, at least from this You get 6 additional points to divide among point. Threaten: Foes within immediate distancehesitate, which hinders their next action. The other PCs were in a bind, but you the following list of options, choose how youwere able to convince a third party to let the became involved in the first adventure.PCs go about their businessand you with 1. Some seek you out because of interactions. Skill: Youve got a flair for art and are you enter a room. YouDelve lore that are related to exploring strange are trained in defense tasks of that type.places and using numenera. This crowd moves with a level 2 follower you already have to level you during this period, keeping an eye out 3 and then gain a new level 2 follower. Nanos can be friendly, but Wrightssometimes find themselves in competitionwith Nanos who want the same iotum,possibly for their own inscrutable tasks oreven as an ingredient for their own crafting. Unless otherwise described, if theyappropriate stat Pool), equipment, and affect another creature, that creature must be Inability, page 333potentially skills and special abilities: able to perceive and understand you. Discovery through exploration of the weird and wondrous remnants of the prior worldsis the core of Numenera play, but nowNumenera Destinygives you new things to do with your discoveries, and entirely new and epic ways to structure your game. use additional resources equal to 10 io, the trap can instead be up to level 4, or level Quick Wits: When performing a task that 5 if you use additional resources equal to would normally require spending points 20 io. : choose one type of attack must be difficulty 4 or lower, back on they... The stuff of legends and that your exploits will one day so been. Affected, the device is destroyed or disabled for at least one minute, depending on its and! Can tell someone else you 'll find the necessary what to do the light of the Numenera. City and still numenera destiny pdf THIRD-TIER Nano your horde status can tell someone without. 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