Persuade You'll do a lot of talking in Shadows of Undrentide. If you have a high constitution, you can actually drink the alcohol. Then head down into the underground ruins. Nearby, you will see William. At this point, you can head to Blumberg (which is totally unnecessary) or return to Hilltop. Quest: Kobolds in the Kitchen Again, there are several ways to solve this. You can convince her to go to the bedine people as a priest of Lathander, and clerics and paladins can attempt to convert her to their religion. Once you've spoken with Garrick, the path to the Valley of Winds will be open. Dungeons & Dragons uses dice. The sword is located in a room in the eastern passage of the crypt, on some skeletal remains. If J'Nah is dead, and Tymofarrar is either dead or has agreed to release Deekin from his servitude, Deekin will find you. Entrance From Minogon Room C. Formian Queen. Abilities: Hit Dice: d8 Proficiencies: All Simple and Martial Weapons, Light and Medium Armor, Shields Skill Points: 4 (Plus Intelligence Modifier Bonus). BioWare have been kind enough to put all that in the background. Eventually, you will have to kill her. But don't fear. Don't forget to use the Tab key often. He's a 12th-level cleric/battle priest, and he can (and will) cast blade barrier, greater dispelling, and circle of doom, among other nasty spells. In a weapon rack in that same southeastern passageway, you'll find a shadow sword, a +2 two-bladed sword that does 1d8 damage and adds 1d4 acid damage. The hermit is a strange man who talks in circles. The hermit is a strange man. Make sure you search the grand matron's corpse for a pen (which will become very important) and some other decent loot. Note that in addition to buying wine from Musharak, you can intimidate the minister of Ao into giving you a bottle. Place the shank of meat on the empty altar, and the beast will be lured to it for a brief moment, allowing you to cross the central area in safety. Finally, if you wish to kill him, you can use the phylactery of ice and attack him (you likely will not be able to kill him without the phylactery). If you have items that will help you against the undead, all the better. . Note that this damage is not multiplied when calculating the damage for critical hits. Kill everything, and then head down the hole into the hive. Search the wiki about Tynan. Kill the gnolls guarding the slave pen and then open the gate. Most importantly, get Mystra's hand. Through a passageway near Ferran, you'll come across a brown bear. While each class has some good skills to choose, there are a few that are key for everyone. You can easily talk your way through the door. Inside you'll find a good stash of magic items, including a periapt of wisdom +2, a cloak of protection +1, and a scythe +2. They'll be killed by the trap pretty quickly. The type of weapon it is will change depending on your character class--it will appear as a kama, a staff, a morning star, or a scimitar. There's no reason for them to waste perfectly good potions to fight a single kobold (and, rest assured, they will). Tymofarrar will make a deal with you to kill J'Nah (which begins the Tymofarrar's Revenge quest), and in exchange offers you a reward of your choosing. You may recall, from your conversation with Urko, that Deekin possesses the tower statue. Once you have the hand, leave the Elven Crypt. If the arrow successfully hits, the target must make a fortitude-saving throw. Note that you can avoid it all together, if you want, by following the side passages. Inside the coffins you will find, among other less significant items, a monk's belt (a monk-only item that adds the improved critical feat and weapon specialization to unarmed strikes and allows you to cast haste once a day), gloves of the long death +3 (a monk-only item that adds three points to your attack bonus, as well as two points of cold damage), and a helmet of discharge (which adds 25 points to your electrical resistance). Otherwise, you will have to buy the kobold's freedom. This is incredibly handy, often allowing you to make your henchman just as powerful as yourself, rather than just a secondary support unit. Unfortunately, he will disappear before you can kill him. If you sit in a chair that does not correspond to your alignment, you will be severely wounded. Arrow of Death: When the arcane archer reaches the 10th level, he or she can fire a single, lethal arrow once per day. Beware that when you attack it, it will attempt to teleport away--it's best just to try and kill it quickly so you don't have to run after it. It's easier just to take the damage and guzzle potions as you make your way around the circle. The other, however, contains a story titled "The Beggar's Love.". Note that if you allow Hurc to leave the tavern, he will help you later. As you approach this house, Nora Blake will run up and ask you to save her family. Finally, speak with the minister. Once you are in the emporium, speak with the stone butler. This will likely be your main weapon until you recover your equipment (depending on choice of weapon you may find better weapons along the way, though). In the first room you pass, you'll find four coffins containing some random, medium-value loot. Karsus will explain why he is being punished and allow you to read his confessions. 2 - CHAIN This room has a pull chain that you should definitely use, as it rewards you with a belt. Look at the lights shining on the tiles. Shield Guardian C. The Great Library D. To North Fragment. To the Oasis of the Green Palm B. using stealth mode and getting the ring (along with a flail of jergal which. Sleep: At the second level, the harper scout can cast sleep once per day. Head for the exit, which will automatically return you to the oasis. He will present you with a riddle: "A woman has five children and half of them are sons. Neverwinter Nights Official Campaigns. You can negotiate with him to supply wine to Musharak, as detailed above. Make sure you rest up (and teleport back to Hilltop for supplies if needed) between battles. As Dagget warned you, the second floor is in pieces. You can break into Toman's house, but he doesn't have much to say. For instance, if the light is blue, you can walk down the water hallways without being harmed. A. And you'll feel better for not having to set the game to "easy.". There is a great deal of opposition--almost every area is crawling with monsters. Return to Nimaldor and he will tell you about a secret door and a poison trap that will kill the kobolds. These may be different within the game itself. Like Drogan and Ayala, you too can be a harper. Once you feel well equipped, enter the Temple of the Winds. Poison Save: The second-level assassin gains a natural resistance to poison, with a +1 fortitude bonus against poison. Some of the terminology used may seem foreign to someone who hasn't spent many late nights rolling 20-sided dice and eating slice after slice of stale pizza. So head into the workshop proper and examine Drogan's crystal table, located in the center of the room. Animal Empathy While it is nowhere near as important as the previous two, animal empathy will allow you to engage in some otherwise unavailable tasks in the first chapter of Shadows of Undrentide. Congratulations! The first favored enemy is selected at the first level, and the second is selected at the fourth level. With the pen and the inkwell in hand, you can now write a story in the empty book. Now enter the temple. If you can decipher the writing, you will learn that you need to cast spells on the orb. Make your way through the maze of portals until you reach the stairs, then head up to the high arcanist's chambers. As you will soon learn, the town is otherwise deserted and indeed overrun by gnolls. If J'Nah reveals her origins, she will immediately attack you. Talk to any of the slaves--you will learn they were captured from Blumberg. Mages can also just cast direct damage spells--a well-placed fireball will demolish a chest or a weak door, lock, trap, and all. If you chose the "Where treasure lay" option for the location, search a nearby chest for a large cache of jewels. Flip the switches until the fireballs are moving as slowly as possible, then move to the glowing area in the center of the hall. They are level six, and they can petrify you with their gaze. Located in the western fragment of Undrentide, the arcanist's tower is the location of the third and final wind, the dark wind. The Blackguard is an evil version of a Paladin. So, if a dagger does 1d4 cold damage, Shadows of Undrentide simulates rolling one four-sided die. Quest: Rescue My Family Enter the Blake home and kill the kobold waiting in ambush. A happy ending for William's story will make catching the wise wind much easier. Clear it out for experience, and grab the dragon egg from the treasure pile in the back cavern. Return to the foothills and then make your way north to the Nether Mountains. Note that this damage is not multiplied for critical hits. Riisi will tell you about the kobolds and how they gained entrance to the laboratory. Prerequisites: Race: Elf or Half-Elf Base Attack Bonus: +6 Feats: Weapon Focus Longbow or Weapon Focus Shortbow; Point-Blank Shot Other Prerequisites: Character must have the ability to cast first-level arcane spells. He will also tell you the history of his people, and that a helpful artifact can be found in the catacomb of Al Rashid. When the conversation is over, she will attack. From First Floor B. Bloodied Altar C. Tentacle Beast D. North Lever E. East Lever F. South Lever G. West Lever. Many of these begin and end simultaneously. Hide in Plain Sight: The shadowdancer is able to use the hide skill even when being observed. This will make the fight significantly easier, and it will be easier still if you have the gnolls on your side. This means that character classes that do not naturally gain this ability must take a wizard level in order to become arcane archers. The item Tymofarrar gives you is extremely helpful in fighting J'Nah, and you will have to fight her eventually (see the next section for details on finding and fighting J'Nah). To the High Forest B. Kobold Cells C. Slave Pen D. Glendir E. Beastmaster F. Chief's Cavern G. Chief's Treasure Room H. To Underground Ruins. Abilities: Hit Dice: d8 Proficiencies: Simple Weapons, Light Armor Skill Points: 6 (Plus Intelligence Modifier Bonus). It will transform into the rod of dawn, which can cast several powerful healing spells. Hail of Arrows: By using this skill, the arcane archer is able to shoot an arrow at every target within range, up to the number of enemies equal to the character's arcane-archer level. You cannot get the cloak from Telnix if you receive gifts from Talissica or Rifkin. Battle Horror C. Helmed Horror D. To Second Floor. Quest: Jasmeena's Offer Jasmeena is the bedine druid who runs the winery for the Ao temple. Kill the zombies and speak with Ali Ibn-Musud. Received From: Automatic Location: Temple of the Winds Experience: 5,000 Status: Required, Received From: Automatic Location: Undrentide, East Fragment Experience: 5,000 Status: Required, Received From: Automatic Location: Temple of the Winds Experience: 0 Status: Required. The fourth leads into the stinger caves. Master Drogan will be revived, and you can proceed to the interlude. A. Rope to Gnoll Cave B. Telling him to leave will award less experience, and Szaren will not set up his shop. This daze lasts for five rounds. Head into the barn and kill the two kobolds inside. Two shield guardians reside in the west fragment, in the houses in the southern section of the street. Depending on which ingredients you place in the urns, the effects of the stone will be different. At level 10, the concealment bonus is increased to 20-percent, the AC bonus to +4, and the damage reduction to 10/+3. In the hallway opposite the minotaur room, you'll see a pile of rubble. First, you can persuade Rumgut that Becka will never get any bigger. And even buffed to 32 . If you show Fiona Glendir's promissory note, she will give you some boots of reflexes +3. Statue of Jergal C. Archer Statues D. Secret Door E. Kel-Garas. [1] The Arcane Archer can cast spells and use a bow with great skill. Note that if Szaren has set up his shop in Hilltop West, you can sell the baby for 500 gold, but if Adam is still alive and you attempt to leave with the baby, he will attack you. You can enter the temple and persuade the minister to set up a deal with Musharak, in which Musharak will share his profits with the church in exchange for a supply of wine. That is the safe path back. Quest: The Missing Guide Explore the area immediately surrounding the caravan--there are three holes that you can climb down. Additionally, Kel-Garas himself will appear at the far side of the room and attempt to cast hold person on you as you cross. Leave the caravan, and talk to the guard at the gate if you'd like some information about the area. Got a news tip or want to contact us directly? . Magical Pool C. Elemental Pedestal D. Water Elemental E. Fire Elemental F. Earth Elemental G. Air Elemental. When the lich is dead, the shadow servant will appear and inform you that you are the new lord of the estate. You can, however, persuade Riisi to give you some items. He will tell you about the large boulder blocking the entrance to the lower levels. The answer is "Yes." There are two battle horrors, each 13th-level constructs, and two helmed horrors, also 13th-level constructs. Note that shadow evade and summon shadow, however, will continue to improve. If you drop a token into the pool and then press one of the buttons, you will receive an item that will summon an elemental of that type. This begins the Oasis of the Green Palm quest, which will be much more complicated than simply fetching a pail of water. As you enter, the minotaur statues will cause insects to attack the party as they cross through the center. As you leave Drogan's farm, you'll see a barn nearby, as well as some tracks leading into it. Craft Harper Item: This ability allows the harper scout to create a potion once a day. Again, you must flip the switches to proceed. A successful persuasion skill check will cause Bethsheva to reveal the location, which is a woodpile behind the smith. The latter option will adjust your alignment toward good. The products discussed here were independently chosen by our editors. Found in sarcaphogus after solving rune stone puzzle (1 of 4 possible), Flame Lash (1x/day), Gust of Wind (1x/day), special power, all base classes but monk and fighter, +1 attack, massive criticals (3 damage), Ranger only, +1 constitution, +2 AC bonus, +1 saving throws vs. mind-affecting spells, Given by Telnix if he thinks your are Ao incarnate, Haste (5x/day), damage reduction +1 (soak 5 damage), Available from Musharak if you ask him to "scrounge" for you, +1 cold damage, damage resistance: cold 5/-, +1 Appraise, +1 Craft Trap, +1 Disable Trap, +1 Hide, +1 Lore, +1 Move Silently, +1 Open Lock, +1 Pick Pocket, +1 Search, +1 Set Trap, +1 Use Magic Device, Located on bones in northwest corner of lower level, Teleports user to Drogan's Farm (if they have a focus crystal), Found in the pile of wood behind The Smith. The path of the arcane archer is fairly restrictive. It requires you to find the mummified hand, the tower statue, the dragon's tooth, and the mask, each listed as a quest itself. He will also give you an inkwell. If you allow them to actually leave with Mara, they will kill her once they leave the tavern. If Adam survived, he will offer the kobold a gem for the baby and then ask you to supply the gem. Though it is filled with burning men, they will not attack you. When you have some focus crystals in your inventory, using Mystra's hand will send you back to Drogan's Farm. It also has a fairly impressive arsenal of offensive spells, including time stop, lighting bolt, cone of lighting, and dragon breath. The crypt is located off the north fragment. Note that when you select a prestige class, the levels and bonuses apply only to your level in that class, not your combined character level. With your SoU-Hero you will just fly through the OC, which is already not very hard. Ali will inform you (though you have probably noticed for yourself) that the oasis is dry. to the West section, one to the East section, one to the Abishi camp. In the temple you will face a handful of stingers, including the stinger high priest, a fourth-level humanoid/sixth-level cleric who can cast negative energy ray. It's not a good idea to fight J'Nah unless Tymofarrar has given you the powder. The sarcophagus in the center of the western wall contains the armor of command (+3 to AC, +5 to persuade, and +2 to charisma) and a stack of 13 arrows of the vampire (+2 vampiric regeneration). It is available once the harper scout reaches level five. He won't remove your slave collar, but he will allow you to venture further into Undrentide. You can also get a promissory note from him. The shadow lich is a third-level undead/14th-level wizard. After the mythallar are gone, Heurodis should go down quickly. Heal Garrick and then speak with him. (If you don't have a stone to flesh spell, you can use the ointment of stone to flesh found on the master's skeleton in the adjacent room.) There a few places of note along the way. She'll tell you a bit about the town's troubles, and give you the An Excess of Prophet quest, which requires you to rid the town of Piper's doom saying. There are a handful of fairly tough bandits in here, as well as plenty of traps. Characters with decent persuasion skill can convince him to leave for Silverymoon or Neverwinter, but you will need to pay him one or 10 gold pieces (depending, again, on a persuasion check) to leave. Don't bother exploring too thoroughly--just head down into the ruins. What follows is a list, broken down by chapter, of the quests available and where to find them. Note that you can also agree to make him leave. At the fourth level, the extra damage is 1d6. Mischa importable henchman package. The truth is that, though Sturgeonism is over, the question of independence is not going away. Note that you can now choose a new henchman: Deekin the kobold, who is a bard/healer. The library is located in the east fragment. A. You can attempt to persuade Urko to give you the hand, but if you fail the kobolds will attack you (if you successfully persuade him and let him live, he will help you later). This cavern is filled with wyrmling white dragons and wyrmling red dragons. . He shouldn't be too tough to beat. The northern entrance is guarded by bugbears, the southern by a group of wild animals, all fighting among themselves. When you can safely continue, head up the stairs. He shouldn't be too much of a challenge--he's only sixth level--but he does have the standard monk feats like stunning fist, improved knockdown, and flurry of blows. Fiona is also involved in one of the solutions to An Excess of Prophet, found at the community hall. Invisibility: At the fifth level, the harper scout can cast invisibility once per day. Follow the conversation thread that begins "There is need for you in the village, but you go about it all wrong," and he will ask you to retrieve his sword. Speak to your henchman and choose "I want to discuss your training." The northeastern cell contains several captured kobolds. And to the east of the floor lever you'll find a shadow robe (casts camouflage and displacement, each once per day). Examine the ark of the winds. Try to lure the undead toward you so you can disarm the traps at your leisure later and then rest up once the room is cleared. Garrick will tell you about the nearby excavation and the true nature of the crystal found in the tower statue. There are only a few things to do in the community hall. Likewise, druids and rangers can speak with the chickens in the coop and learn that there's a gem in the nearby water trough. When you find the hart, you can speak with it if you have animal empathy skills. Enchant Arrow: This is a natural bonus to bow skills added to the arcane archer's attack and damage rolls. The next fight may be the most difficult yet. A. Ashtara B. This begins the Spider Infestation quest. Contagion: At the seventh level, the blackguard can cast contagion once per day. This room is full of traps and undead. The pool is of no use to you yet, so pull the lever. Continue down the passage and you'll come to a burial chamber where you'll be attacked by an undead monk. To the High Forest. If you sit on a throne that corresponds to your alignment, you will be healed and have enhancement spells cast on you. Characters with tracking skills (druids, rangers, and barbarians) and characters with high intelligence will determine that they are kobold tracks. The shadowdancer is a great prestige class for rogues, though the high skill requirements make it somewhat prohibitive for other classes. By choosing this class, characters will devote themselves to the art of the bow, and for their devotion they'll receive several powerful bonuses, making the arcane archer a very deadly adversary. The hobgoblin merchant has some decent items for sale, but he will offer to find you something really special for a small deposit of 100 gold. This ability can be used three times a day. If you enter through the portal room antechamber, however, you will need to fight your way to the queen. Rest up, and make sure you learn the most powerful offensive and defensive spells you have. When the lich is dead, search his body for the dark wind. BioWare official website Neverwinter Nights: Shadows of Undrentide on . Farghan the herbalist can give you two of the necessary herbs for the A Cure for Drogan quest, and he will tell you that Mara at the Bubbling Cauldron bought the rest of his helmthorn berries. Speaking of creating a character, there are certain skills that you should probably consider more than others. Once the dragon is dead, grab his head and the mask, and loot his treasure. Attacking them while they're still in the kitchen will cause them to immediately kill Mara. More importantly, you must be able to cast arcane spells. You'll notice a large locked door at the northern end of the cavern. She will also provide you with a supply of wine for Musharak. If you kill the kobolds, search Urko's body for the mummified hand, ending two quests with one kill. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Once the slaads are dead and the hooded figure has escaped through the portal, Drogan will appear. So here's a very, very basic tutorial regarding some of the terms used in this guide. A. Entrance From Portal Room Antechamber B. You will see Karsus being attacked by succubae. If you're having trouble, lure them out of the main hall, shut the door, and pick them off one by one. The oxen can clear the lower levels of the kobold caves in a hurry. At the beginning of the interlude, the caravan is attacked by stingers. This character's abilities significantly increase his or her ability to hide, and at the 10th level the shadow evade power makes hiding in shadows almost like an incredible set of armor. The minister can also be convinced to give wine to Musharak if the hobgoblin converts to the Ao religion. To Hilltop East. In addition, the shadowdancer gets the hide in plain sight ability, allowing him or her to move into shadows even when being looked at. Note that if you attempt to barter him down to one gold piece, and fail the check, he will not leave at all. You will be one stone short--simply stand on the last plate to open the sarcophagus. You can persuade her to let Szaren stay (there are two choices for this, with "The town will be better defended" being the easier persuasion check), or charm her. Fight your way through the caves to the four cells in the western area. She will tell you to get a tressym tongue, some charcoal, and some helmthorn berries from the herbalist in Hilltop. Talk to Haniah, standing near the inebriated mayor. Harper scouts get significant bonuses to saving throws and spells that increase certain statistics. Personally I think they messed up! The first list contains all basic items that appear in SoU as well as in many other NWN modules, and the second list contains SoU's chapter-based custom or plot items. Note that one of the doors will open, and a colored light will appear over the lever. Shadow Evade: At the fourth level, the shadowdancer gains this ability, which increases concealment and improves as the shadowdancer gains levels. One of the other significant differences between Neverwinter Nights and Shadows of Undrentide is the difficulty. However, before doing so, examine "The Beggar's Love" again. Druids and rangers can speak with Farghan's dog, Bethsheva. The maximum level for the harper scout prestige class is five. Once all the foes are dead, make your way around the thin platform, disarming the numerous traps and opening the chests (all trapped with DCs of 26). You can kill Karsus, if you choose--he's a 15th-level wizard--but you'd be wise to let him live. You may recall, from your conversation with Urko, that Deekin possesses the tower statue. There are a few ways to save Becka, though. The first floor of the crypt tower features a nearly endless supply of undead. It's a particularly good idea to stock up on cure critical wounds potions and any potions that enhance your primary statistics. Now the primary quest starts in earnest. For that reason, not all the journal entries listed here are covered individually in the walk-through. Both of the chests are trapped (with DCs of 35), but opening them will yield a wand of lightning, an amulet of health, boots of elvenkind (which offer +2 to dexterity and +10 to the move silently skill), and the aurumvorax armor (light armor that gives you a +2 AC bonus and damage resistance against piercing and slashing weapons). Dorna is a good choice for almost anyone--she has healing skills and is a good rogue. But you will want to at least kill Tymofarrar for her to get some experience. Go there, and enter the farmhouse. Help the master jumper, and he'll open the blocked passage. They are fairly tough opponents--15th-level constructs with a strength of 22 and the ability to cast Melf's acid arrow and fireball--but you will most likely be able to defeat them with some effort. The shadowdancer is somewhat like a superpowered rogue. You will get several choices of rewards--most important among these is that he frees Deekin (note that if you did not ask for Deekin's freedom initially, you will need to give him a store of items worth 2,000 gold for him to free the kobold). Take the wine to Torias, and in exchange he will give you an amulet of natural armor +2. There are 5 new classes in NWN SoU. Rumgut is a level-12 giant--you probably won't be able to fight him at this point. Eventually, she will call for a truce and the formians will stop attacking you. Quest: Fled Into the Crypt The southernmost doorway in the eastern hallway leads to the kobolds' hideout. This will not work, however, when engaged in combat. Note that you can also affect how your henchman trains when gaining a level. If you enter the room, the gates will shut and a manticore will come bounding at you. You don't have to go in here yet, but it's a good idea to clear out the zombies before you come back. There's no way to avoid this room, unfortunately. There isn't much to do here, other than head straight for the kobold cave. A. Caravan B. Bedine Camp C. Catacomb of Al-Rashid D. House of the Morninglord E. To the Tomb of Kel-Garas. For the third herb, you'll need to finish the Kobolds in the Kitchen quest, found at the Bubbling Cauldron Inn in Hilltop West. In the small village of Hilltop located in the Silver Marches, the apprentice of the dwarven wizard Drogan studies alongside his fellow apprentices Xanos Messarmos, Dorna Trapspringer, and . At the bottom of the rope, you will find yourself in a strange room--there are four pedestals, a magic pool, a level, and some goblin bones. You can also ask him to give you the Ao test of wisdom. To the Asabi Camp B. You can also choose to kill Nimaldor, and if you attempt to open his sarcophagus he will attack you (Nimaldor is a level-five undead). For Neverwinter Nights Diamond on the PC, Reference Guide by HolyHalfDead. The good stuff is at the back of the room. Speak to Katriana, who will tell you that the caravan's fortune-teller, Daschnaya, has had her cards stolen by kobolds. Once he's dead, search the nearby skeleton for a nice surprise: a holy avenger, which provides light and allows you to cast dispel magic once a day. Luckily, you don't have to. Darkness: At the fifth level, the assassin is granted the ability to cast darkness once per day. Kill them, then head to the cave they were speaking of, noted on the map. The northeast chest contains chain mail of speed (+2 AC bonus, haste) and a healer's kit +10. You will definitely be attacked by groups of asabi, and you'll need to fight your way to the large stone structure at the opposite end of the ruin. Read the confessions of Karsus to return to the great library. Kill them, and then pick up the large rune stones around the border of the room. Note that the staff, in addition to the attack bonuses, also allows you to cast flame arrow three times a day.